16 C# Interview Questions to Practice (2025)

Whether you’re drawn to C# for its versatility, usability, or the ease with which you can transition to it from C++, C# is a powerful, effective programming language. Many types of programmers, especially Game Developers, commonly use it because of the speed and consistency it gives your coding.

Plus, not only is C# a fun and convenient language, but it can also net you a pretty impressive salary. C# Developers earn an average of $112,952 a year.

To land a six-figure C# job, you’ll have to perform well during the interview. Below, you’ll find some C# interview questions to practice, as well as their answers, so you can walk into your next interview with confidence.

1. What is C#?

C# is a programming language that’s object-oriented and type-safe. This means that the program will catch errors as you make them, preventing you from wasting time fixing minor problems later on.

It’s compiled with the .Net framework to generate Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), which is a set of instructions that can run on multiple environments.

2. Can you execute more than one catch block?

No, you cannot execute multiple types of catch blocks. Once you’ve executed the proper catch code, the control gets transferred over to a final block. The code after that final block is what gets executed.

3. What are jagged arrays?

Jagged arrays have elements of tape arrays, and these can include different sizes and dimensions. They’re also referred to as arrays of arrays.

4. What’s the difference between void, public, and static?

If you have a public declared variable or method, it’ll be accessible anywhere inside the application. On the other hand, you can access static declared variables or methods without having to create an instance of a class. Void is different in that it’s a type modifier that says the variable or method doesn’t return a value.

5. What differentiates a constant from a read-only?

Constant variables get initialized and declared when it’s time to compile the code. After that, you can’t alter their values. Read-only refers to when you assign a value at run-time.

6. What’s an object?

An object refers to a class instance that allows you to access the methods pertaining to that class. If a class creates an object in memory, it’ll contain all of the information about the class’s variables, methods, and behavior.

7. What is a “using” statement in C#?

A “using” block is used to get a resource and process it but then dispose of it automatically after completing the block.

8. What do sealed classes refer to in C#?

Sealed classes are created when you want to restrict which class is going to get inherited. You’d use sealed modifiers to prevent deviation from a class. If you chose a sealed class to be a base class, you’d get a compile-time error.

9. What’s the difference between “out” and “ref” parameters?

An argument that’s passed as ref has to be initialized before it’s passed to the method. On the other hand, out parameters don’t have to be initialized before getting passed to a method.

10. What’s meant by method overloading?

Overloading refers to creating multiple methods that have the same name and unique signatures within the same class. During compilation, the compiler can use overload resolution to determine which method you need to invoke.

11. Describe the difference between array and arraylist

Items within an array have the same type. The size of an array is fixed. An arraylist is similar, except it doesn’t have a fixed size.

12. Are you able to use a “this” command within the context of a static method?

No, you cannot use a “this” command in a static method because you can only use static methods and variables in a static method.

13. What’s the accessibility modifier “protected internal”?

You can access protected internal methods and variables from within the same assembly. Also, you can access them from classes that have been derived from the parent class.

14. What’s meant by “serialization”?

Serialization refers to the process you use when you want to move an object through your network and have to convert it into a stream of bytes.

For an object to be eligible for serialization, it has to implement the ISerialize Interface. When you do the opposite operation — start with a stream of bytes and use it to create an object — you call the process de-serialization.

15. What’s the difference between System.Text.StringBuilder and System.String classes?

System.String isn’t mutable. As an immutable class, you can’t change its value without allocating new memory to the new value and releasing the previous allocation.

System.StringBuilder has a mutable string. This makes it possible to perform a variety of operations without having to allocate a separate memory location for the string you modified.

16. What’s the difference between System.Array.Clone() and System.Array.CopyTo()?

If you use Clone(), you create a fresh array object that has all the elements of the original array. When you use the CopyTo() technique, the elements of an existing array get copied into another existing array. With both methods, a shallow copy gets performed.

How to go beyond C# interview questions

Take your time and practice answering these questions to get ready to nail your next interview. If you still need a little help understanding the ins and outs of C#, check out our Learn C# course.

Depending on what role you’re applying for, your interview process may also include technical interviews, in which you’ll showcase your programming skills by completing coding challenges. Need help preparing for technical interviews? Check out our Career Center.

16 C# Interview Questions to Practice (2025)


How to prepare to a C# interview? ›

You will need to have some understanding of concepts like encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance, interfaces, etc., as C# is an object-oriented programming language. Basic knowledge of C, C++, or Java so you can understand the syntax of C# better.

How do you practice answering interview questions? ›

Avoid memorizing answers : You don't need to memorize your answers word for word. Doing this can make you send robotic during your interview. Instead, try to make a bullet list of key talking points for each question and practice answering the questions in a way that sounds genuine and conversational.

What is marshalling in .net mid to senior software interview? ›

In C#, marshalling is the process of converting managed data, typically . NET objects, into an unmanaged format (often native to the operating system or a different language) or vice versa.

How do you solve interview coding questions? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Visualize the problem by drawing it out.
  2. Think about how you would solve the problem by hand.
  3. Come up with more examples.
  4. Break the question down into smaller independent parts.
  5. Apply common data structures and algorithms at the problem.
Nov 3, 2023

How hard is C# for beginners? ›

Is C# hard to learn? The learning curve for C# is relatively low when compared to more complex languages like Java, although it's not quite as simple to learn as Python, the ultimate programming language for those who are brand new to the field.

How to learn C# fast? ›

5 answers
  1. Pluralsight which is a paid for site with hundreds of course on C#. ...
  2. Use Microsoft Learn.
  3. Take time to read Microsoft documentation e.g. read up on general structure of a C# Program, types operators and expressions statements various classes Object-Oriented programming to name a few topics.
Jan 17, 2022

How can I memorize interview answers fast? ›

Here are five ways to help you memorize information for your next interview:
  1. Use your learning style.
  2. Prepare.
  3. Write it out, repetitively.
  4. Use memory devices.
  5. Test yourself.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

Is one day enough to prepare for an interview? ›

While five to 10 hours is the recommended time for interview preparation, each person is unique, and you may need less or more time to prepare successfully. Consider what you already know about the company and the surrounding aspects to determine how much time you need to spend researching.

What is marshaling in C#? ›

C# Marshal is a feature provided by the . NET framework that enables interoperation between managed and unmanaged codes. It allows the managed code to access unmanaged resources such as native libraries, COM objects, and Win32 APIs.

How do you introduce yourself as a .NET developer? ›

I am proficient in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including . NET, C#, JavaScript, and Angular. My strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail allow me to quickly identify and resolve any technical issues that may arise.

How do I prepare for a senior .NET developer interview? ›

When you answer senior . NET developer interview questions that ask about differences, you need to focus on your knowledge. Your answer can also reference your experience if you want to discuss use cases. Doing so can help you respond to questions like these in a more compelling way.

How to crack coding interviews easily? ›

In this article on tips to crack the coding interview, we discuss the major tips which help you while attending the interview.
  1. Job Description. ...
  2. Research About the Company. ...
  3. Good Coding Knowledge. ...
  4. Collect the Best Resource for Learning. ...
  5. Do Mock Interviews. ...
  6. Work on Software Design Skills. ...
  7. Listen to Every Detail.
Jul 10, 2024

How can I solve my coding questions faster? ›

  1. 1 Understand the problem. The first step to solving any coding problem is to understand what it is asking you to do. ...
  2. 2 Choose a strategy. The next step is to choose a strategy to approach the problem. ...
  3. 3 Write pseudocode. ...
  4. 4 Code and test. ...
  5. 5 Refactor and optimize. ...
  6. 6 Here's what else to consider.
Sep 22, 2023

Is LeetCode enough for Google? ›

LeetCode can be a useful preparation tool for a Google interview, since it will give you practice with solving problems that are, um, the same flavour as the questions that you're likely to be asked by Google, and it gives you instant feedback on whether your solution is correct.

Why is C# difficult? ›

It is not hard to learn C#. Learning programming languages generally is not an easy feat, but some are more difficult than others. C# is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. C# is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is easy to read because of its well-defined class hierarchy.

Is C# easy to pick up? ›

Similar to Java, but slightly easier

However, C# can be easier for beginners, because it is more similar to English. This means that its syntax is easier to understand. If you're brand new to programming, you'd most likely have an easier time picking up C# than you would Java.

How can I be good at C# programming? ›

Being good at C# programming also means being good at understanding the business requirements for your code. This encompasses everything from knowing the specific input and output requirements to understanding how your code will be used in the greater context of the application.

Is C# easy to master? ›

C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is structured and easy to learn. It runs on Microsoft's . Net Framework and can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. As the syntax is simple and easy to learn, developers familiar with C, C++, or Java have found a comfort zone within C#.


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