The Liberty Review from Liberty, Kansas (2024)

THE COUNTY SEAT WAR. BARGAINING IN COREA. The Pool of Bethesda. STONE CUTTERS TESTIFY The Best Test of Success Is Success Tested and proved by over twenty-flva years' use in all parts of the world, Allco*ck's Porous Plasters have the in the Killing la -An Editor' Ac- FINANCIAL WISDOM. Gfanit Maatrr Workman INtwrtarly Prrt noulires Mnnrjr thi Tool of Already the work of electing Itopro Further Particular of hteven County, PLUNDERING TRUSTS.

11t. I'rntrrrist Attack All Capital. Ilv. 1 1, iho rreod-lo-s -hur, who has boon criticis Some of the Peculiarities of Native Merchant and Uo-nctweens. Every official's house is situated in a compound -which has its "Ta Moun," count of the Affair.

Liberal, July 30. The bodies of the four men killed by tho llugoton The Far-well Syndicate Implicatod in Importing Contract Laborers. Bentatives to the next session, of the or great gate, which is tended by a nartv were takon to Voorhees. Stevens i The pool of Bethesda has been satisfactorily identified at Jerusalem, according to the chairman of the Palestine Exploration Fund. All early authorities agree in representing this pool as being near the Church of St.

Anne, but nothing was known of the pool in later years till some Algerian monks recently unearthed a large tank (ieneral Assembly has commenced. In selecting those who will represent you County, and, with the -wounded boy Ton- 1 special servant kept for that purpose. at the Indianapolis convention be suro and make no mistakes. Do not send Pasafife Money Partly Advanced Protests Mal But til Immigrants Not Prohibited. ny, afterward taken to Woodsdale.

No The foreign settlement is near one of further shooting has been reported, but the three south gates of the city and a armed squads of llugoton and Woodsdalo walk Dring3 you to the t0p people have been seen by travelers in dif- fererit parts of this county and may meet of the wal1' from whIt there 13 al" at any time. i ways a broad view. Having always those to represent you who are not competent to do so. It frequently hap in the rock under the church, reached by a flight of twenty-four steps. Ilow- pens in our deneral Assembly that.

dorsem*nt of the highest medical and cnemical authorities, and millions of grateful patients who have been cured, of distressing ailments voluntarily testify to their merits. Allco*ck's Tionors Plasters arc purely vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick ia their action, and absolutely harmless. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allco*ck's, and let no explanation or solicitatiou induce you to accept a substitute.

Most -of the modern maxims arc made np of tilings from last century's saws, but thev pass as coin fresh from" the mint. Uutcl Mail. You're Too WHoiv, IN-rliaps? Then look out for your liver, for it is pp- during the debates that spring up there, Aiiomey-uenerai iujiciu, suuncumiuo i I tu ,10 ,1 and Brigadier-General Murray Myers and I must give an account of the other! we find Kepresentativcs rushing up to the Secretary's desk with newly- Captain J. II. Wallace, of Wichita, How an Italian Visa Dressef Reached America A Pole Testifies to the Stsam-chip Lines' Deception.

ing what ho denounce; hh the cniul injustice! and immorality of the present tsorial and industrial system, told Ma mlmiivr of thu Unity oonyregation, in Ma-tonic Tuinplo, Saw York, his idea of tho remody of tho social hr-an ly aonouncinjf that the whole of tho present monopolistic industrial wystoiii must by destroyed mid supplanted by ono which doe not, by its laws cu-itoiTH, award every dollar of surplin wealth to tho tion-producin monopolist. No individual iiian, by hia individual effort, the preacher asserted, oouhl farn u. million dollars In a lifetime. fortune aro (ho accumulations of a f-. -teaiaiic robbery of the Work- departed a f-fntf; Jhe highest ado is the tank did not d' While her.

"kulso. He is a little too high and Bethesda pool unU1 now whon Hcrr arrived here yesterday afternoon and few hours later for Hugoton. framed resolutions of their own draft tlipy questioned many residents of this town aj Conrad Schick has found a twin oool ing. They had never given the subject a moment's thought or considera and many others from oodsdale and Hu side by side with the first discovcry goton relative to the war in Stevens Coun tion before leaving hom*o, and were iacc, lumutijr --nui i Thcse sister pools? therefore, could ty, and despite the fact that the towns ifii-i. iihi pvht villi 1111 iiiii.

11 111 1 engaged in the war were well represented i easily have had a porcli on each of the acting on the impulse of the moment in introducing tho resolutions. New YotiK July 31. Just as the Congressional Committee investigating matters relating to immigration was about to resume its session yesterday morning a telegram was handed Chairman Ford announcing the sudden death in Michigan of here, they found it impossible to arrive at 3 four sides, with a fifth on the wall scp One of the most important sections any thing like a definite conclusion as to uei out, 01 me w.iy xor una arating the tanks, and this link is con- the actual state of affairs. man, ana inoso wno ao not ow th in the preamble is the one which says: er.s. gained by virtuo of lawn that are his sister, Miss Esther Ford, while on her Some claim that oodsdale men to the promptly are unceremoniously pushed 4 other tviditions the old wi-it 1- way to Uuluth, Minn.

Mr. Ford's fellow number of fifty or more have surrounded a We- He acts as errand boy as well. 'JjT li. i iu members proposed to adjourn, but after a party of twelve Hugoton warriors at a are carried bv him and pur- -1(! lVh private consultation thoy acceded to his small place called Lafayette, and are en- Inote8 carnea Dy mm ana pur bulnplaco of the lrgin Mary. A.

1. f-hn. ti, u-oh thn d.toi In to .1. them from their hidinsr chases are largely made through him. Tho establishment of a National monetary system, in which a circulating medium in necessary quantity shall issue directly to the people, without objects of Iho hatred and rijjht 'oas li of every honest thinking proaching serious congestion.

Banish tho saffron hue from your skin and eyeballs, the fur from your tongue, the uneasy sensations from your right side with that pleasant and painless laxative and anti-bilious medicine, llostetter's Stomach Bitters, which if, moreover, you are threatened with kidney trouble or fever and ague, will prevent them. "Ovioxs ctrt in halves will absorb tho Eineil of new iiaint." Yes, ami a cornet will drown out a jews-harp. Life is full of queer things. A Positive certainty of -elief is afforded in skin diseases bvtilcnn'ft Huiphur Soap. Hill llair and Whisker UK: mr ct tesiiiuonv, and the session began at place, but others go no further than to lie- never steps inside the door of the man.

I he lortunos arc Piled up at FREEi A 3-foot, French Glass, Oval a few minutes before eleven with Colonel deny the story and claim that the war is bouse. When a man comes to Hit- expern" of iho toilers, just as in lri ii times epie used to pay tributo Front, Nickel or Cherry Cigar Case. Merchants oxlv. It. W.

Tansill for the time being at an end. peii you any g00(js Gf any kind The Hugoton and Woodsdale men now hftt he i a.ri bund of Uobin The Still Alarm expected seizure ot left home to trouble. That they fear has to eel1- rhe kulso comes JIixnl ji-nt robl whom i illicit whisky Texa Siftinys. to return indicates an absence of belief in tells you, and if you want to see the the report that Stevens County hostilities article the man is admitted into the If afflicted with Sore Eves use Dr. Isaac if: bii pporlctl heCAUso Ihf rn1 l-ini-u protested any other robberH.

Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.tioo. have ceased. yard and comoe and spreads his goods Oates in tho chair. Mr.

Ford left for Michigan at night. The first witness railed wag en Italian named Nicola D'Alto, who came from the province of Chieti, arriving here June 22 last by the steamship Cheribon. In his native laud he had worked as a farmer at froiuU'ii to fifteen cents a day and his mt-ftls. lie also owned a email vineyard worth 4a.) or iW francs. HeverM others fame ntlrf the whole party wei'e fiirrtisbcd tickets by an agetit naiiied Nico-lina Saraceni.

who wont to their village ii'luys UoMn Hood bands out before you on the piazza or on tho "When you come to tho matter of fans, The portrait painter generaity gets hi pay partially in advance, lie is thus always drawing a head. Hot. floor. You ask him the price and he me Japanese lake the palm-Pnc; the syndicates and trusts. Their Tho Liberal Leader publishes the following statement from C.

E. Cook, editor of Ibigoton Herald "Saturday, July 21, a party Coilsisting of O. E. Cook, O. J.

Cook, A. McDonald and Sam Robinson, live and by names ten times what he is willing- to CTIT TT-XISI OTTT AKD jUA.II. "TO XT S3. part with it for. You tell him it is too much, and name about one-fourth tins I'lnplormi-nt to many at tho vM.

of thu iclulritf up of all the prof with their families, went to the Strip, hunt- the intervention of banks; that all National issue shall be full legaHcnskr in payment of all debts, public and private; and that tho (lovernment shall hot guarantee or recognize any private banks or create any banking- corpora tions. Have-you ever studied that section? Do you understand it as it reads? If so instruct your representative to the next (leneral Assembly to tako some steps to enforce it in the coming year so that it may become more than it dead lettOtV. We, arc told that a National debt is a National blessing, and we do not seen! to bo able to muster up spunk enough, to say that it is a lio; but we will have to do so in the near future. Iiet the investigation commence-, and it will be developed that a National debt is a National To whom is the Nation k'lebtcd? Who holds the bond-f Are they held by the pnefie of the Nation, or by foreigners? If our own people held the debt, and the interest which is being wrung from the NatitVa Went and persuaded them to come over here. ns and flehing and Bothering wild plums.

what he has asked, wondering at your its of Id" poducts, plunder the ananoa srry-7'7077'? asSEfejasas Saraceni birnishcd tlienl with their pass- Od the third day out, and at Golf creek, about the sa my as the out own temerity. He folds up the stuff. they were surrounded by a party from ii Woodsdale led bv Ed Short, and a demand gives you a gianco nan 01 lnjureu in laws ilM of The plundered have ot. so bciny robbed in this sy that tit -y -ead a change, and Inado for' their immediate surrender, nocence and half of contempt, and which, of course was promptly refused, marches off, but in a few moments COLO BF YOU GUESS ST! SI00.00 cgl3 on their agreeing td repay him francs. He sent them to a man named Emb Bernardino, 34 Mulberry street, Who was to give them work.

Witness and his wife signed a contract to repay this HjO francs to Saraceni, who, he said-, vas a storekeeper and well off. Jlo landed here without any The party then determined to try seh(l3 lh0 kuiso back to tell you that yea aiier year they will march up to tae 1 mI to continue the laws aim uiviue, th differenCe, but he sistod of eight men. It was decided 1 Roi.ino tk one of hi i will hope that you are too wise to do Voles. Voles. Cleveland will beat Harrison in Xcw York Slate Harrison will beat Cleveland in Xcw York that t.e monopolist robbers themselves bav nrtdi to protect themselves in horses and flee, which he did, with five so.

Finally he sends in the goods and men in hot pursuit and dn horseback, and aoccDts vour offer. He carries the soi'al and industrial outlawry. money, jfernaruini kept inm a tew days, and because he had 110 money to pay tho liosses for securing work-, tchi tlliii that he conld nt get him any thing. He had not done a day's work since lie landed, ami armed with Winchesters. The remaining money down to the big gate and I lie keep thy wllrtlo tllin.LT JGfO- liV' Uy voiin uaty larellord- Hugoronmen micu u-mS servants gather about him, and To Mie pTinn wtiDComPS ncart-Rt, triicfl'ns Ihe number of vote tlie rrcldenti il candidate will ha tiver hi opponent ill the Stale of York In Ntiveiniier.

1M. we will rent hi Cash. This iiiranx the popular No -roii to jru--s more lima Ytyir cucti must le accompanied ly Four Cents in Stamits. till in the space left tor figures ami Bin and send to BROWN BROTHERS, 314 West 6th Streot. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS.

Kansas City, Mo. and National bankism, and telo 'nijiiiism, and coal rnineism and al they marched out, with their Winchesters, first he gives the kuiso one-tenth of nml nrr.tneted t.hnm in msifcinrr their escape. I the whole amount, then divides two was supported by charity. The nest wituess was an Italian from back tO the pec'lt bi the Nation, it They made a forced march to Hugoton, more tenths among the other servants, inoHnpoiHic evils that prey on thj would mi no so bad. Our debt tht the same province who had been sent over find force os immediately organized an(jt after giving a little more to any with the same man.

II is testintonythil not dilTnr much fronl that Uf the previous SwOTid Xerft one hox Trlncn K1 ward's 01. Thir NVarrst one IfT Fourth Nearest Uurss. one box Carl 1 Hinder. 12.5a Fit: Nean st tluess, tme ux llei.o Free Ciesa 1. and started in pursuit ror ine rescue 01 olhcr chance witnesses he goes off Kobiitsort.

Xhey met ltoOinson 111 me feu eleven miles I with approximately the proper sum, Addras Name. iit thtf erfibn-yi arid, as it was iicar mid- the sum you ought to have given. Of hieht. concluded to go into enmp at some course the kuiso is always wanting haystacks near by. When they reached you 0 buy, for it simply increases iirciraATi tho stacks thev were fired upon by the "emolumcnta of office." Cor.

San jULY4thIr OCT. Francisco Chronicle forupuiinly. "This lvbhor band most ijo," ox-rlaiiiK-d Mr. l'outecost, nd bis bear--rs, with and hands and canes and umbrellas, gave, the sentiment a thunderous "The hopo of tiio lie added, "is not reform, it revolution. Civil-Service reform, tariiT reduction, it, jiflVct tho wrong.

Neither will make Iho rich more charitable and the poor discontented-. Trio wholly bad industrial system lhat. mak-j-J poverty ami injiHtio-j possible must be. demolished. Why should H-n-iibb? froe men submit to a system that the honest toiler to remain 'greater part of it is owed to foreigners, who exact tho last cent in tributo for the loan they gave.

A mechanic should work with good tools. He should know how id use them. He should know the value bl them; what they cost what amount 01 labor enlefs into the make up of tht tools, and how they should lie cared for. Money is the tool of labor. Laboi is the cornci'-stone and the entire foundation of the Nation's prosperity.

Labor makes the Nation, and wdiy should not labor use tools of its own construction and material? Why should not the men and women whe make up the greater portion of the jMW-BREAKING NAMES. The Trouble Kxperierit'rd ifrith Foreigners WitlleM, Witness stated than re paid Saraceni Hie fed fi-fnef! by tin irtst of August his Vtnevard would be attached. Saraceni had sent more than 200 emigrants over here in the Inst foto years; charging each francs for adrHilelrifi the passage mbnej-j ilnd laost 01 thera hail him back tltnt coiount. After a recess from 1 to the committee called John B. Dyer, secretary of the Granite Cutters' National Union.

He was a native of England, but had been in this country eighteen years. He knew of stone cutters having been brought over under contract to Work. One George Berry, acting for Gun Wilkie, the contractor, employed by the syndicate to bnild tiie heV Htate Capitol at Austin, Tex. had hrought over a iillmbcr of stono cl*tter'3 Under contract td Work on that job. Witness had received information they were coming and met them at Castle Garden, tliid three of tiiehi were taken before at Castle Garden.

Sometimes, but not very frequently, the registrars at Castle Garden get completely bowled out as to the spelling of an immigrant's name. Most of them ore as thoroughly conversant pnities secreted in the stack and a general fdsilftdc en. When ii ended Sheriff Cross, Bob Hubbard, J. Eaton and Wilcox were dead and a young man by the name of Tonny was seriously if not fatally wounded. Sam Robinsoft, of the Hugoton party, was shot through tho leg.

Any statement differing from this is false, as this is written by an eye witness of the whole proceedings. It was the intention, os stated by Cross and Short, ''to kilt Sam Robinson, E. E. and O. S.

Cook and A. McDonald, and they stated they were'in the! Strip for that S. N. Wood stated that if the llugoton party -as ever allowed td IsavtJ Strip alive the WUrtdsdale people were cowards. The hecessity of sUcli ft slaugUtcf 1 deeply regretted by all of our people and they lay tUe blame of the whole matter upon S.

N. Wood, who is believed td be at the bottom Of (lie with all tho modern languages as if they had been reared in the tower of liabel, and when a man replies that liis name is "BmlW the registrar GiMQ JUBILEE celebrating tfea Settlement of tfca Northwestern Territory. UNSURPASSED DISPLAY people of the Nat ion have 11 voice id the making of tho money of the Nation? Win a 1'rcsident is to be inaugurated he never consults the people as to who tho Secretary of the Treasury shall be. He goes to Wall ti'Cet, New York, and takes the man who will give the best satisfaction to the sharKS who infost that locality. lake's one gin nee at his face and attire, and litis the rianle trrittert correctly as to the miiiutcst Varirttiori of nationali ii.l 1111 it a pauper all tho days of his life, while the riches and the luxuries to the men whose wealth is gained by means that are socially criminal? I'm- they are criminals.

He who kills the wnyfasvsr to steal his money is no more of murderer than he who fore'M his fellow beings to livo in il'-athdnN-Mthing tenements." Mr. iitecoM, concluded by declaring that it was easy to eh an go all 'his, and liie enjoyment of tho and luxury and leisure of life, ty in spelling, commencing with "Sell' ihd ending with "dt" or or plain the United States district attorney, but ho refused to act and they were allowed to go Austin. Dyer presented to the Ftfidhiittee the afli-davit" Cf Charles Falconer ami Robert Maitland, two of the party, that Bjrry engaged them and a number of others at Aberdeen, Scotland, to come over here and almost before the last sound II ft I ft RATES FRQ ALL POirlib. CARNEY DEAD. lie takes that man who will give the best security to tho blinking interests has emanated Irlnn the owners moduli.

of the NoliOi'i. Why does he do so? But a day recently wi otfe for1 jaw- breakers. The steamship KiG? had 1 IVOnuse we do not obi ice the Nation work 011 the Austin capitol, lie advancing 3 10s of the passage money. Seventy- doim. a with the system of;r Drougni over a peculiar coiiecnou.

ui The War Governor of Kansas Dies From an Attack of Apoplexy. Leavenworth, July 28. Ex-Governor Thomas Carney, the second executive and the War Governor. of Kansas, died of apoplexy at seven o'clock this moi'Jiing. He was Governor daring the rears isii3 and lsiil.

ight of them came over, and fifty-five tho many for tho benefit of the few. Sclavonians and Czechs and Russian went to Texas. Thev came over in Accompanying Maitlaurl's affidavit, Willi these taxes rooted out such great fortunes as controlled by the was the following printed circular, which to control the making of its own money, and, as a consequence, the President has to go to the people who control Iho money instead of to the people who made him President. T. V.

I'mvdcrly, in Xt it tonal labor-saving" machines. TO MAKE nrmerbilt families would he said had been given by Berry in Aberdeen, as follows: "rati and their accumulation ill: (lit. would 10 (ht stoufi'lteri of Affrilfen: A DEL 3 then impossible, and Austin, March 1A This certifies li American oerac.v. based on that Mr. Berry is In tny employ con VWIt.

VOUll GROCER IXlt structing the Capitol building, KtatC tf Texas, 93 nd that he is fully authorized to engage and wealth and haughtier than the aristoe-raeiesofold. would tumble to pieces. in York r. GOW BRANi ATSD TAKE WO OTHER. lre lr) fjlanlte Cutttfs and brin" the same to Austin, to cut praeite for the Capitol building nt the bill of jlrices named below.

Pay CAUSC AMD EFFECT. roles whose autographs the registrars knew not. They stumbled along successfully with Saehariasen, Walinto-fiowitz, Tarczenska and such like, until a massive Russian from the outskirts of the empire somewhere within (light of the Chinese wall, advanced in solemn statelinesa and from behind and beneath a beard thicker than a Circassian woman's hair, uttered a sound that resembled a prolonged and muffled sneeze; The registrar tried him again, but after several repetitions acknowledged himself beaten and passed him around to another official linguist. It was useless. The foreigner with the sneez-ish name was taken into the office until more time was available to unravel his mystery, when, with combined efforts for he himself could not write ments on this work are iriade oa the fifteent day of each month for all the work done in the month preced It will require eighteen months of steibly granite Cutting to cut enough stono to eomi.lete the building.

Blacksmiths Thomas Carney was born in Delaware County, August 20, 1827. He came to Leavenworth in and entered with Thomas C. Stevens in the Wholesale grocery business. He was elected to represent Leavenworth County in tile Legislature in I8C1I, receiving the highest vote cast for any of the representatives, Sol. MilleiyF.

P. Baker and P. B. Plumb were elected representatives the same year. In Fehruary, he as a member of the House committee on the negotiation of the State bonds, which reported a resolution impeaching Governor Robinson.

In September, 1802, ho was nominated for Governor by the Republicans. Thomas II. Osborne was 011 tha ticket with him for Lieutenant-Governor. Carney was elected over AV. R.

Wagstaff, tha Democratic nominee, receiving 10,000 votes to Wag-staff's ii, 103. In 1804 Ire was elected United (States Senator. In April of that year he sent a letter to tho Republican State con trte also needed in this work and their pav is IIov I'm iilt ilisiu Kow In Abject Slavery iiml 1 iin. Why is it that labor is not allowed to enjoy the wealth it creates? Why is it lhat the law of this aial of every oilier country are made in the interest of forty vents per hour or four dollars per day of ten hours. Kaeh blacksmith sharpens tools for The KdVct of Progressive Invention on the Working (lasses.

Some bitcrrstins ex; crTilents have been mivto Tifnr SliefHcltl, With a new much lie for mm 0 pr coal. It consists of a hytlr.ihlifi press, operated by water through a stnull livilraul pump. The coal not is shiit-ttrcil i hi but Is firmly antl gradually forced forwuid with very little dust and no stsiclc. Ten to twelve tons ar brought lrown lit each "stint," occupy ng but a icw moments of timti and labor of two men. Ilratlst reef X.

The. foregoing is one of Ihe many 'fetus in the progress of this remarkably progressive age. Yet how many who read it will covistder the etTect of an improvement of this character upon other than the cheapening of fuel. How many outside of the ranks of the working-men concerned will "put their thinking caps on and re tifteen cutters. The fare for paid by me is expected to be returned out of earnings jniule by cutting by the men to whom fare is ant Strata Chisago Business Gsllegs! in? advanced.

Gus Wilkie, SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE and ENCLISH TRAIVIHU SCHOOL, isine -IX-tTITI-TIOS ami the I.AK.&EST IN T' I 1-5 WOJ.I! nll infor tion, Catalogue, stc, sent FltliE. Adlres If. It. ltltY A- A MX. Hi.

Contractor, Capitol Building. Dyer stated that when he found he could not stop the men litre he notified tho property and at the expense of men? ISeeause. labor has permitted capitalism to do i ts Hi inki ng and legislation. Because labor has permitted capitalism to seuo on all the natural sources of wealth and control it to-day for the list; of hern. I'ecause labor allows capitalism to obtain and retain possession of the cir- ulnting medium of railways and of Knights of Labor at Austin and they now have a suit pending in the United States Court against the Capitol syndicate under the Contract Labor law.

The Govern fsTTREATED FREE. Have treated Hppt an.l its complif atmn Willi most womlertHl hoow. use veiwia- orfirIT the name was discovered to be this: "Juzefovi Cisienszkemnobrem." He had friends here and considerable money, and. was not detained. T.

Y. Commercial Advertiser. Although it is not generally known vention resigning all claims to the Seua-torship. He was a candidate for renomina-tion but was defeated by James M. liar- MURDER IN WICHITA.

gard the miners who may be thrown ment furnished the contractors convict nbor to quarry the stone artd the granitrt out of the work thev have been brought cutters Were asked by the Cjuarrymeii not Pnll svmpionis 'f lroy in 1 rurei.Rtieiit!.prun;iuii-e.-!r.pel- bHraiiiiy-ician. From flmdow r.i.ily disappear, anrt ten lot two-Laird of nil VTVMTitl up to by a device of this character, and as to where they may be able to placo themselves to earn subsistence in to the world at large, there is an in to cut granite which was imarried by convict labor and then Wilkie sent over to Scotland for these men. Senator Farwell w-as the chief man of the syndicate and oilier wanes of Hie. Ui course it, is a tense and bitter rivalry between Lima and Boston. Each claim to be the recognized fact that improvement is for the betterment of all, but this does bean-head of the universe.

ruck. llkie represented himself as acting for the syndicate. He would not swear that Senator Farwell knew of "Wilkie's action roetrnwr it co-is you realize tliw omt'. our treatment tor f. re constant jreof lorni Btan.linif-rm'eotrint have li-eaweek.

iveiull W. how lone afflicted, etc. Sen.l for free pamphlet, Ten fre by mail. If von onl-r trial, you must rtarn thTs to with ill cents in stains pay poftair. KtileiJf Kit positively ur-a.

H. H. CREEN SONS. fil. Atlanta, Mrs.

lSertha Miller Fount Murdered, Supposed For Her Money. Wichita, July 30. At 11:30 o'clock Saturday morning neighbors discovered that Mrs. Bertha Miller, thirty-nine years of age, living at 813 South Hydraulic avenue, had been murdered during the night and the police were notified, and going to the houso found the dead woman tying upon the floor in her night clothes. One box of pill will save many dollars in loetop' bill.

JIey are specially prepared a a Family Medicine, Bupplie a. Want lonj? Tell. 'I Hey remove unhealthy accumulation from tle body, without ntpwa op striping. Adapted to yottn! and oltl. Srice, 25c.

SOLD EVEttYWIIEUE. not relieve the men who suffer for the Smith "My wife wants a new time of the hardship of that suffering, in importing this coutract labor. Tho State of Texas gave the syndicate S.OOO.IK'O acres of land and the labor of "00 convicts. dress every day in the year." Jones "She must be awful extravagant. Does No doubt the cheaper fuel would make other avenues of labor; no doubt improvements in processes and machinery Stanislaus M.

Ledochouski, a native of 1ST Tl she get it?" Smith "Is that's the Russian Poland, next swore that the Bre From all appearances life had been extinct for eijrht or ten reason she is compelled to want it." 93 Sewing; Mm Fm Hi EXISTENCE IS tend to more comforts for the indnstri all other means of exchange and compel it to pay usury for their use. liecnuso labor hurrahs for its parties while capitalism uses its parties. I'ecause labor puts a silent but pretty effect i ve boycott on the labor press and starves it, while praising it; and supports, while it curses, the organs of capital ism. llecause, though it sees that capitalism is everywhere thoroughly organized, labor remains practically unorganized, each competing with his fellow and bidding against him for the privilege of earning profits for capitalism. I'ecause.

though labor sees that it is being robbed of the results of its toil, rid is pretty well aware of how it is done, yet working-men are content to let about one in every hundred of them light against the unjust systems which PERUVIAH STREKGThEHlSS illXiR. ous, but the transition condition of the men, Hamburg and Antwerp steamship lines had agents there -Wio persuaded people to emigrate by means of the most untrue representations. The most ignorant We want one urrson in ever, Tillucr. town nn THE GENERAL MARKETS. hours.

There were evidences of a fierce struggle, while about her throat was a dark mark indicating that she had been choked to death. For some time Mrs. Miller, who had no children, had not lived with her husband, W. A. Miller, a motor men directly affected, until they secure other and congenial employment, is KANSAS CITV, July 81.

and poor classes are those who came here. The authorities rigidly enforced the law riionsrh pleasant to tnc taste, i not a riilioosnesi. Ueaeral DrMIHy. H'" npll-. Feter cad true.

-tc vonr l'ntin-t for it. by JlePIKE HIS, Wajolea! UrTt. Atclilua, saw S3" AMt THIS I-Al-LB. ererj uas jeu ante- DETECTIVES CATTLE Shipping steers none the less hard merely because they are persuaded that all these things are Butchers' Native cows for the liest. HOGS Good to choice heavy.

VH 1UAT No. 4 red It would be interesting as a contribution to economic statistics were it Wanted In evere Countr. Shrewd men toact nnd-r intrnctienar In our Secret Kprlenec not Part iculars fre Granaan Bnreaa Co-11 Arcaio.3ia:iis4.S. No.i sort compelling all emigrants crossing the frontier to show that they had sutllcient money to carry them through. To meet this difficulty the steam ship agents furnished emigrants with bogus exchange drafts which they showed at the frontier and which were taken up again as soon as sheybad cross id.

keep in their homes a line of our AliT SAMl'l-KS Ui lho.fl who will keep and implrhowthes wnj.ieiot!ioewhocl!. we will seni. free, the very beet Sewing Mnrhine manufactured in theworld, with all the attarbnienta 1 hi machine is mad after the MNOEK paten te, which havepirel. Befce thepatenit run nut.thia vle machine, with the attachment, was itnowdclliforSV). Heaiier, it may aeeai to yen the molt WOSliBHFl'L THING ON EA Ki ll, but ymi ran aocure cne of thete machinraABSOH'TCLT mtn, provided your application come in fir.t, from your locality, and it' you will keep in your borne and show to thoee who call, a set of our eleeaut and un-cqualed art aamples.

Wc donnt ask yoa to ehow these camples for more than tiro months, and then they became Tone own property, lha art samples are sent to you AH iIXTKLTf TltEE of cost. ITnw ran we do all tills? easily enougli We oftea fet as much as or JsWM in trade from eren a mall place, after our art samples hare remained where they could be seen for a month or two. We need one person in each locality, all orer tha ceuntrv, anil take thi mean of aecurinr; them at once. Those ho" write to us at once, will secure. FREE, the very best 6swir ft Machine manufactured, and the Unest general assortment of wcrfca of hic-h art ever shown toa-ether in America.

All particnlarsFKKEbr return mail. Write at once; a poatal card on which to write to us will eoet yon but one cent, and after yon know all, should you conclude to iro no further, why no harm ia done. Wondeiliil as it aeetna. you need no capital all i free at once. lilt' 4, Auui Si Hal CORN No.

i OATS No. 2 known exactly the classification, line engineer, but it is not supposed that he had any thing to do with the affair as he clearly established an alibi, and the opinion of the police is that the murder was committed solely for the purpose of robbery, as Mrs. Miller owned considerable property, and was supposed to have had a large amount of money in the house. Six l'risoners Tow. Gainesvili.e, July 29.

Deputy United States Marshal Carr was here yes RYE No. 3 of the Edgar Thomson steel works men tVl Wichita, uiVLAiiivstiH Kansas, want loeniploy a youna man ps detective in every lot-ility. Sfttrl ns Ocms to mail you l-tructions. No memueksuip FtE. 4 50 5 IK) 3 75 4 40 2 31 2 55 0 85 (ft 6 2 117 a 38 2 10 2 15 5 0 14 10 3 'J'i 10 HI'- sa 9 8 th 50 7 2 10 FIjOUK Patents, per who have lost their jobs in five years HAY Ualed a) Allli TUI3 PAPtft erery Um.

yoa WKL BUTTER Choice through improved machinery and processes; v. hat grade of labor; what be CHEESE ull cream Br return mail. Full slewcs-iptlon oo ly' Tail-r Systtrru ot Jlresa Cutting. iiOOUV ex. Cincinnati, U.

FRS came of them, etc. Hie world certain ECJG3 Choice BACON Ham lUti fArtK enry tiaw yam nts. lv owes a duty to workmen who are shifted from "pillar to post" by reason TO $8 A DAY. Snmples worth fl.Sft i FHt-P. I.iiiesli"' unfertile horde's f-et.

nte BKhVlSTm KAin Molly, I FARGQ'S I 9 Shoulders Sides LARD POTATOES ST. LOUIS. of improvements; a duty that should aW21aslfc lilU) Af ait erar baa r-u arrisc. rob them, while the other ninety-nino stand back and grumble when the one makes a mistake, and sneer when he makes a failure. though labor has the power to stop all the robbery and change every unjust law, it cither has not enough energy or enough senso to use that power.

In a word, because there are a deal too many fools to the square acre in Ibis and every other country. Labor iicfonntr. rasa make mor money us One of the members of the late Eni-peror Frederick's personal staff, when he was only a Crown Prince, was Baron von Oveardon. He had a beautiful daughter, the Couutess Marie, whom he wanted to marry to an old nobleman who was immensely rich and quite as ugly. The Counte33 fell in love with a dashing young surgeon in the German army.

She married the surgeon and her father disinherited her. One night in 1883 the surgeon was shot by an assassin. On his deathbed he told his wife that he was sure his murderer was the rich old suitor, and he made her promise never to listen to his suit. Thf widow, with her sister and brother-in-law, amount to something more tangible than f--ympatliy. When they are cut off from their accustomed employment CATTLE Shipping steers aULD, In the world.

Tither set UuAuiata, Maine. aiiF.K. Terms rKtE. Atilress, TBUK Eta aurN AMS IHla PAPLIi ewrj Cotjtm writs. terday on his way to Fort Smith, with six prisoners arrested in the Indian Territory.

One of the number is George Thorne, who is said formerly to have hailed from St. Louis, and is wanted for murder and for participating in the robbery of tha Missouri Pacific train at Muskogee, I. a short time ago. There is one colored prisoner in the number, Ike Frazier, who has the reputation of being one of the most desperate men ever in the territory and has been a fugitive from justice for several years. There are twenty-two cases against him on various charges, six of which are for murder.

there is something less inhuman than the doctrine of "the survival of the fit EDUCATIONAI 350 i 501 1--3 BEa i's 3 to- onlieia ykA i- is sta-. i that should be exercised. Na tionul Labor Tribune. llflfEC BTTOT. Anta.

llUnlll metlc. Shorthand, thoronjr'T tanrtt bj-BtaU. Circulars free, BUT AST'S C0L1S6E. Batal.S.T. are building a wall around 14 55 ((11 75 Lawrence lSnsinertsCollrK-aiMlAeadem.

Ltsrcest, cheapest and beat. A Jpasre Ulust. cai-losue free. E. Mcllravy.

hup Lawrence, Uansas. Butchers HOGS Packing SHEEP Fair to FLOUR Choice WHEAT No.i red CORN No. i OATS No. RYE No. 4 UTTER Of camery PORK CHICAGO.

CATTLE Shipping steers. HOGS PacUingand SHEEP Fairto choice FLOUU Winter wheat WHEAT No. 2 red OATS No. 2 UYE N). i came to America and took up their residence In Chicago.

About a year ago a young German prince stopped there on his way to San Francisco. In his retitnue was an old nobleman and a young friend. They called ipon the Countess and she recognized her ld lover. He renewed his suit, but she For YOUNG LADIKS. 5tl LIHDEHWOOD COLLEGE This Sh oe Is warTnterl First Qnallty In every res-pect.

7eryStvliph. Perfect Fit. I'lainiioesand lipped. Men s. Boys' and Youths' fOSHBESS bLTTOS ASD LACK.

Ask your If he does not keepthem end to us. and we vill furnish you a pair. paid, ou receipt of 1L. FAK60 0, Cblcuso. JUIA Ar.B.

crj ttw. ju viite. 5 93 (ft 4 03 4 6) Schooner and Steamship in Collision. Viseyabd Haven, July 30. The steamship Parthian, of the Boston and 4 50 ft 9J 3 4 TO Session uir Sept.

fc. Jr lrst-class in oil it aiTiHiintnie-iit lor i-fcer Kdueatinn. trjt vHtne appointro. nt KOBtRT IK WIS, V. T.

fllARLtS Mo. Philadelphia line. Captain Nickerson, from 85 epulsed him. She drove them out of the I Philadelphia for Boston, and the schooner EATING mm rfp UNIVERSITY, RGRTKWESTERH 81 so -a 13 14 25 RIFLE anston. 111.

Iter. The money power realizes the grand power of the press nr.d acts accordingly, and hundreds of of dollars are freely lavished to support it. On the other hand, woiking-ineu, who freely ppend a hundred dollars or more year for mi nous luxuries, grudge to pay a solitary dollar toward the eupport of a labor paper, the columns of which are ever open for the advocacy of their best Interests. Cheater (la.) Lulor Review. The man that says organization among -working-men has not bettered their condition is a dishonest fool, and is an enemy to the prct-r erity cf the laboring class.

Milwaukee Later L'cview. louse, ana the old lover vowed vengeance. I Ayr, of and from St. John, collided near -le hired detectives, who made her life the west chop, Vineyard Sound's last niserable. A short time ago the Countess night during a fresh northwest wind and CCilMlNtiS.

1. LU. 1.. President. fc liiHtriir.tnrs.

and over 13WJ fetutterita. KW 801611883. 45 ia 14 30 BUTTER Creamery the honor and virtue of our working-girls. We do not demand revolution, but reform, at the hand of the lawmaking bodies of ihe land; and I predict that, before many years, there will be a statute making it a criminal offense for a man to employ a woman at less wages than he pays to men for the tame work. Ladies, I ask you while you are looking to the top of the ladder, and providing tor the entranc of women into the professions, do not forget your humble sisters who are toiling in the factories.

Leonora Mt Ihirrtj. ao 44 err. Winchester cartridQt. WarkM easier, is simpler. Ttist Ont.

PORK The University offers Professional. Collegiate an I Preparat'iry al vantages complet at a. moderate cost. address the Pkesluen r. mddenly disappeared.

Her friends be- I cloudy weather. The Parthian was struck ieved that she had been abducted, and I amidship on the port side, and was run NEW YOUIC 4irongertligher, thananyoiher. xMaM-v irr till too bxs rr. ratting detectives on the case, discovered I aground in this harbor le kingbadlv. She US ION COLLKKEof LA W.CViicasfO.

Fall Term begins Sept. ID. For circular add. H. Bootb.

CUicago. hat she bad corresponded through a mat- I had a full cargo of merchandise and fifty BALIEST, HUHTIK3 AH0 TARCET BIP.ES. imomal agency with a merchant of What- I five passengers. Less than, one hour after Ko. 11 98.

HARUN FtRE ARMS C0-, Bx so KAYEM, CT. A. X. D. CATTLE Common to 4 50 5 03 HOGS Gooil to choice 0 30 7i) FLOUR Good to choice 3 3 5 03 WHEAT No.

i 92 co*kN No. -i 56 OATS Western :5 S3 BUTTEit Creamery 18 10 PORK -r 25 15 2' lornb, w. and recently they had been I the disaster the Parthian was grounded lamed by Rev. Father Eutler, of St I safe and motionless in the harbor. All the ohn's Church, who says she took this I passengers were saved and transferred to WHEN WKITING TO ADVEKT1SEKS.

please By you saw the AdTertisemeut in talis papers A ir nersei1 01 lQe ow parou spies Boston. The steamer will do saved. vir.j.v. norta..

The Liberty Review from Liberty, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.