The Weekly Democratic Statesman (2024)

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The Weekly Democratic Statesman (1) Previous item

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"Williamson county it is eaid
will send no delegates to the sena-
torial convention.
Thk Republicans have got the
Greenbacken in tow and will ex-
hibit them this fall.
Louisiana is now of the opinion
that It would be good policy to stop
the lottery business in the state.
On account of the war iu Egypt
the cotton planters of the south may
expect a good price for their cottou
this year.
- Memphis has eniorced strict quar-
antine against New Orleans where
1 1 r i
a lew caqcs oi veuow icvcr nave
The Greeubackers think the Re-
publicans are much older and big-
ger men than they are and lamblike
follow in their footsteps.
It strikes the average citizen that
the more our rivers and harbors
are improved the more mouey does
it take to improve them.
A party that is taking measures
to suppress the facts in the star
route frauds can afford and does
wink at Hubbell'a assessment 'rob-
beries. The southern darkey has to go to
Kansas and run up and down two
or three railroads before he is satis-
fied that there is not a farm waitiDg
him in that section.
The whole tariff system Id a sham ;
It does nothing It pretends to do.
The manufacturing interests about
which we hear so much do not com--pare
in importance to the agricul-
tural interests.
The National View of Washing-
ton the Greenback organ is filled
this week with the orations the
scintillations and the monetary ram-
ifications of Missouri's Greenback
delegations in congress.
Brady's sulary as second assistant
postmaster general was $3500 per
year. lie told Walsh be was assess-
ed $8000 in 1880 tor the "congress-
ional corruption fund." Hubbell'a
assessment rate is three per cent of
George Washington Jones has
his little hook nicely baited dang-
ling out over the political waters
hoping the Independents will bite.
They will refuse aud the astonish-
ment of the Radical-Greenbackers
will know no bounds.
The New York Herald treats edi-
torially of the question what be-
comes of old pianos? Should the
question be amended to read what
ougLt to become of them iu behalf
of a suffering public he would shed a
ray of light that would dazzle a phi-
losopher. It it thought Texas will have five
bushels of corn whor* she raised oue
last year. Illinois and Iowa have
been the principal corn-growing
states but the country is continual-
ly spreading and thousands of acres
which never before raised anything
will turn out good corn this year.
Secretary Chandler reports
that congress is not disposed to
make the annronriatiou for remov
ing the remains of Licuteuat De
Long and his men from the Lena to
this country. The committeo seems
to prefer practical measures of re-
lief to the families of those who were
The United States circuit court of
New York having affirmed the con-
stitutionality of the congressional
statute against political assessments
and sentenced General Curtis the
case will be taken on a writ of habeas
corpus to a full bench of the su-
preme court in October. Some of
the civil service reformers think
they have as good a caso against
Hubbell as against Curtis.
There has not been produced a
particle of evidence that oue of the
six Republicans seated in the places
of the ejected Lemocratio congress-
men by the Republican majority had
a legal majority of the votes. The
evidence is all against the black-and-tan
crowd but every Republican
organ is boasting of the "good
work" done by the Republican
party In stealing these six seats.
Any good sized act of robbery is re-
garded as heroic virtue by the Re
The men who plow fields and reap
them the men who gather up the
great crops and send them to the
markets the great army of hard
working men are taxed aud heavily
taxed to "protect" a comparatively
little band employed by manufac-
turers and as a result the protected
laborer receives $1.33 for a day's
work. If these laborers must be
protected the duty of protecting
should be laid exclusively on the
capitalists who are getting such
handsome returns on the mouey in
vested iu manufacturing enter
The prospect is that cougress will
adjourn about the first of August
It would have been better for the
country from an economical stand
point had congress adjourned July
1. The sum of $119202939.22 has
been voted away so far and there is
no telling how much more will be
voted before the first of August
Probably the appropriations will be
fitty millions over those of the last
fiscal year. The excess is due largely
to the pension appropriations and
the river and harbor bill. A princely
sum has been voted away under
these beads and chiefly for dema-
gogical purposes. . Few coujresa
men act from any other motive
than thai of bettering their own
chances of re-election. If they
have many soldier constituents they
think nothing of voting away
a hundred millions for pensions. The
men who really look after the sub-
stantial interests of their constitu-
ent are few in number and the
oilier class should not be surprised
if they happen on a day of wrath
whoeo livid lightning will strike
i-era in a vital prt for the people
will not forever put up with repre
sentatives who devote themselves to
claptrap and represent nothing in
the world save their own selfish
schemes and disgrace themselves by
behavior in congress which would
be a blot on a rustic debating socie
ty. The people have so long per-
mitted the local riugs to name their
congressmen that the rings have be-
come exceedingly strong. It is ap-
parent however that the time has
come for peoplo to overthrow local
Boston Is a nice place but it has
some bad bakers totally devoid of
true culture it would seem. They
have lately been detected using cotton-seed
oil as a substitute for lard.
Lard is lard in Boston and her ba-
kers know it. The oil mentioned
comes at a little more than half the
price of the lard and this accounts
for its use. Mercenary adulterated
old Boston the next thing we will
begin to Tistrust the purity of thy
baked beans. And with that de-
lectable dish a mystery the last prop
lrom thy reputation will be knocked
higher than Buuker Hill monument
In culture and beans Boston leads
the world. When one becomes
adulterated we can hope for little
from the other. .
Here are some of the wretched
results of Republican rule as predic.
ted by the Philadelphia American.
"The state of Pennsylvania is made
the field of a great trial of the peo
ple's integrity. We shall see now
bow such a trial will De sustained
tor no one can denv the actuality of
the system of personal control uuder
which the state of Pennsylvania has
been bound. Such a system is po
litical slavery and like every in
stance of slavery it has all the atten-
ding circ*mstances of moral decay.
Uuder it the conscience and judg-
meut of the citizen must be surren
dered aud When conscience and
Judgment are given up what remains?
Jnder it Peuusylvania great as she
is in every form of material weaitn
and strong as she is in latent powers
of intellect and character has been
made the mark of national reproach
and contempt. Under it her pressthe
second of the Union were arrayed
until the independent people broke
the arrav iu behalf of a rreat politi
cal conspiracy that was intended to
subvert the primary rights of the
American people aud set up a per-
sonal control of the republic Uuder
it are employed those methods oi
political management which from
the assessment of public officials up
aud down through the long list of
similar means are a stench in the
nostrils of every intelligent aud up-
right mau. Such a system is not
tolerable. It is that which the
American people everywhere are
rising against."
This is the direct result of Repub
lican domination. Uuder pretense
of being "the party of the people"
"the party of the poor man" it crept
into power. Whether controlling
state or national government it has
revealed the same antagonism to a
republican form of government. It
has been the sedulous supporter of
monopolies the persistent promoter
of class legislation the champion of
personal government. The Camer-
ous have only carried out in Pennsyl-
vania the principles of "Boss" rule
aud the spoils system upon which
the Republican party depends for
the retention of its power in national
Reminiscences f Garibaldi.
Alberto Mario Maernilllan's Magazine.
Toward the end of June as we
were assembled ou the terrace of the
pavilliou where all the elite of Paler
mo used to irathcr in tho evening in
the hopes of seeing the general
seven haggard and emaciated youths
asked fur me bringing a letter of
presentation from my wife. I hey
were the surviving companions ot
Pisacaue who bad perished with
three hundred of his followers in
the expedition of Sapri (June
1867) aud tiaribaldi's victories
had liberated them from the
dungeons of Farisrniua where
they had been confined for three
rears. They were so changed that
did not recogulze auy of them.
All they asked was to be allowed to
thank their liberator. Garibaldi
was at the moment conversing with
the commodore of the United States
his eyes caressing Enrico Cairoli
then a youth who bad received a
bullet through his head at Calatafimi?
aud was killed on the Monte Parioh
in 1867. The conversation was often
interrupted by presentations by offi-
cers ot the staff of Palermitan ladies
hovering round for a smile or for a
word from the dictator. Profiting
by one of these intervals I announc-
ed "The galley-slaves of Farlg-
naua!" "Where are they? Bring
them to me." As they entered he
took the hand of each and they si-
lently aud many of them in tears
embraced him. The American com
modore gazed in amazement
t their wan faces and tatter-
ed vestments. At last Garibaldi
broke the silence. "Bravo 1 bravo !
I am indeed happy to see you.
Tell me ot l'isacane's glorious end.
If my soldiers sleep in this palace
on the carpets of kings the merit
belougs in great part to Pisacane and
his followers who were our pion-
eers." This justice rendered by
Garibaldi to their beloved chief in-
creased the emotion ot the brave
lads. Seeing them become paler and
paler Garibaldi concluded and
rightly tbat.they were hungry and
bade mo see to their wants. They
were soon seated at the dinner ta-
ble of tho staff iu the pavilion and
finished off a hearty meal with the
confitures and sweetmeats with
which Garibaldi's nuns kept them
constantly supplied. Garibaldi then
distributed some piastres to the
men who immediately asked him to
eurol them iu his ranks. "The un-
dertaking which you say was com-
menced by us In 1857 we wish to
finish with you in 1860. We are
trained sharp-shooters; will you
not enroll us in the corps of the
Carbinier! Oenevesi?" This was
Garibaldi's crack corps but he im-
mediately summoned tne colonel
Mosto who could scarcely be per-
suaded to accept tlte poor fellows
so weak aud helpless did they
look. But of course to Garibaldi's
demand he answered "Yes." Out of
the seven five fell dead or wounded
on the battle-field of Milazzo. After
the battle of Milazzo to my involun
tary reproach tor the manner in
which he bad exposed his lite in a
hand-to-hand duel with a cavalry
officer ho answered : "Don't worry
yourself! our cause would triumph
all the same even if I fell in action;
but I kuow that I shall live to see iu
The officers of the railroads lead
ing out of here into Texas are very
busy at present arranging ticket
prices so as to coniorm witn the new
S-cent per mile law for passenger
service la Texas. This law was
fiassed May 6 and will go into ef-
ect August 4. The Iron Mountain
is nearly ready to change rates and
will have completed everything on
August 4 the day on which tne law
taxes effect.
The New York Sun says that the
internal revenue department ought
10 oe aoousnea.
Will it never get hot enough to
scorch congress oat of Washington ?
The so-called star route trials try
nothing but the patience of the pub-
lic. Free-trade clubs have been organ-
ized in twenty-five counties of Iowa.
Sister Iowa tries to be a good girl
The race horse Bunnymede has
hopelessly broken down. Ayearagjo
the Dwyer Broa ot Saratoga paid
$5000 tor him.
Since the heroic conduct of the
American navy in Alexandria the
boom in washtubs has been enor-
mous and steady.
The only rules that meet exigency
in tho present congress are Speaker
Keifers rulings aud their virtues
lie in their elasticity.
A man in New York pleads guilty
to having been hired by eight differ-
ent wives to watch their husbands
during their absence at Saratoga.
One San Francisco doctor has
found 170 coses ot leprosy coming
from the smoking of cigarettes which
had been rolled by leprous China-
men. Horrible accounts of women carry-
ing the disembodied arms and legs
of massacred Europeans tied to
bludgeons are reported from Tan-
tah Egypt
An attempt was recently made to
kill Senor Sagasta prime minister
of Spain. A box was sent from
Grenada containing nitro-glycerine.
Several arrests made.
John Arnold w rote on an order of
the supreme court at Indianapolis:
"The court may go to the devil" and
sent the document back to the judge.
For this he was Bent to jail for ten
Emma Troup a Nebraska young
lady appeared on the streets in male
attire and was arrested and fined
$10 and costs. Next time she won't
put on her pants with the back part
in front
A Pennsylvania crank is building
an ark in anticipation of another di-
luge. The Republicans of the Key-
stone state will be wise if they im-
prove this opportunity to get iu out
of the wet.
Nothing bothers a country editor
so much as to have a murder com-
mitted iu town by a tramp and find
he has no cut of a patent medicine
doctor available for use as a picture
of the murderer.
In New York city during the half
year which ended with Juue the
building bureau approved of 1365
plans for new structures estimated
to cost $'.'6048705 and 1998 plans
tor alterations estimated to cost
$271753-'. The total value of. the
improvements was $28796237.
The members of the Mississippi
river commission are wise men.
They perform their arduous labors
on a steamboat excursion in the
pleasant month of May. The tariff
commissioners also combine labor
with refreshments and have estab-
lished themselves at Long Branch.
The association ot the ex-Confede-late
Missourians now living in Tex-
as Louisiana and Arkansas and all
ex-Conlederates who participated
in the battle ot Oak Hill will hold a
meeting at Sherman on August 10
and 11 that being the twenty-first
anniversary of the memorable event.
The fugitives who escaped from
Alexandria included 76000 Europe
ans 19000 Syrian Christians and 4500
Jews. It will be readily seen that a
seaport containing so mauy foreign
merchants aud commercial agents as
these numbers presuppose was a
vast and prosperous city before its
Judge Woods of the United
States district court for the eastern
district of Texas has pronounced
the ku-klux laws unconstitutional
saying in effect that when a state
has not violated the constitution
congress has no power to punish in-
dividuals who without having au
thority from the state have been
guilty of such violation.
The Greenback candidate for gov
ernor of Tennessee has committed
himself to Colonel Bob Ingersoll's
views of a future state. All ortho
dox Tennessee is torn up about it
and there are plenty of true beuev
ers ready to demonstrate that they
not only have souls to save but
that there is a place were such souls
will be supremely happy. The ques
tion of the immortality of tne soul is
likely to supplant the Greenback fr
naucial theory in Tennessee politics.
The Process of Solar Printing;
Adapted or the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad.
Philadelphia Times.
The Pennsylvania railroad com
pany has adopted a process of copy
ing plans and outlines so simple and
yet so effective as to have an im
portant bearing on all the methods
of engraving lithographing photo-
graphing aud even drawing as at
present conducted. It is what is
known as the "blue print process"
and is a sort of easy photography
by means of which a mere child may
copy in the most perfect and exact
manner any object whatever the lines
of which cau be embraced in the
dimensions ot a large pane of
window-glass for instance. Larger
outlines can be copied but require
more care and a little more appara-
tus. A piece of pure nntinted paper is
taken . and made "sensitive" by
means of a chemical wash consist-
ing of I; ounces of red prusiate of
potash and lj ounces or citric iron
and ammonia dissolved in 16 ounces
of water. This when applied to the
paper in a dark closet by means ot a
broad cloth brush gives a peculiarly
rich glistening yellow surface.
This paper when dry is ready for
printing if at this stage a feru leaf
is taken or a few sprays of grass or
a feather or any drawing executed
on translucent material such as
ouion-skiu paper it may be perfectly
copied in every minute detail with-
in the 8 pace ot four or five minutes.
The object is simply laid on the
paper aud a piece of glass put over
it to hold it in position and then ex-
posed to the meridian sun. The
yellow paper then turns rapidly to
a dull blue then to a light grey
whereupon at the tori no ef paxi
about three minutes it is withdrawn.
But oue thing remains to be done ;
the sensitive paper is given a batb
in pure water and instantly a perfect
copy of the fern leaf grass or draw-
ing appears on the blue surface of
the paper in white as if traced by
hand. The philosophy of the pro-
cess is that the black lines of the
drawing or the filaments of the grass
or fern are opaque and consequent-
ly refuse admittance to the light
which operates upon the open sen-
sitive spaces causing them to under-
go a chemical change. As utilized
by railroads iron companies ship-
builders and architects and artists
however in multiplying their many
maps and plan? and even circular
letters the process becomes a little
more complicated. Instead of mere-
ly placing the design to be printed
over the sensitive sheet and leaving
the rest to the light large glass
frames with wooden lids inside of
which the drawing is placed face
downward and covered with the
sensitive paper. The frame is then
reversed leaving the plan exposed to
the light. A full bright sun is not
absolutely requisite out a longer
time is required for exposure on a
cloudy day. There is one photo-
graphic firm that uses the electric
fight entirely and prints by -night
as well as day. A step further has
been made also in producing a white
background with blue lines.
Current Nate Afceut the State
Departments Yesterday.
Captain H. F. Folwell has accepted a
clerkship in the land office.
The Mutual Marriage Aid association
of Paris filed a charter yesterday.
Dr. R. M. Swearingen state health
officer returned yesterday evening.
Hereafter students will be entitled to
only one term in the Sam Houston nor-
mal school at the expense of the state .
J. D. McConncU Esq. has been ap"
pointed district attorney in place of
Cummings recently killed at Laredo.
Colonel A. T. McKinney of Hunts-
ville has been appointed by the governor
university regent vice J. II. Starr who
failed to qualify.
The Marion college of Waxhhatchie
filed a charter. The incorporators are
Chas. E. Brown L. M. Lewis J. Fred.
Cox and Jus. A Walkup.
Colonel A. H. Cook contractor for the
university filed his bond for $39000 yes-
day with Mr. Ed Crbilian and Mr. S.
Loomi8 as surilies. The bond was ac-
cepted. In answer to an inquiry Commissioner
Walsh rules that persons acting as
agents in sending in files on t-clibol
university or asylum lands must seed
powers of attorney with them.
It was reported yesterday that Colonel
Taylor of the capitol syndicate will
reach the city to-day. The apprehen-
sions felt by some of a hitch of some
kind in the capitol construction appear
to have been dissipated by recent events.
Commissioner Spaight has knocked
another insurance company out of time.
Thirteen of the working plates of the
new capitol have been completed and
Colonel Myers was examining them yes-
terday. There are thirty-nine in all aad
it is thought the remaining twenty-six
will be completed within the next six
weeks. The work has been much re-
tarded by the insufficient number of
Commissioner Walsh says that he is
receiving letters of inquiry from different
sections of the state which he finds it
difficult to answer inasmuch as they are
from new towns on railroads of which
there is no record sent to the Austin
postoffice from Washington. Letters
are constantly being returned to hnn
from the postoffice here. This difficulty
could be surmounted by giving the name
of the county iu addition'to the town.
Colonel Meyers architect of the new
capitol is now in the city. He states
that he is here for the purp se of inspec-
ting the working plans of the structure
and came at the request of the capitol
commissioners. In answer to an inquiry
of a reporter Colonel Myers disclaims
that his present visit has anything to do
with any explanation regarding alleged
differences between himself and the cap-
itol syudicate. The interrogatory of the
reporter was prompted by a report rath-
er extensively circulated in the city but
which Colonel M.'s answer would seem
to pronounce unfounded.
The following dispatch was sent yes-
terday to the mayor of Brownsville:
"Hon. Thos. Carson:
"If yeliow fever exists in Matamoras
declare quarantine at once and place
guards on the river. If an epidemic
prevails state troops will be sent out to
enforce quarantine. By order of the
governor. Signed R. M. Swearingen
"State Health officer."
In reply to a letter from a leading insur-
ance man giving information that the Flor-
ida mutual fire insurance association of
Micanopy has established agencies at
several points in this state Dotably at
San Antonio and inquiring if said asso-
ciation had complied with the insurance
law paid occupation tax and fees and
received a certiticato of authority to do
business in this state the commissioner
of insurance sent the following letter:
"Department op Insurance 1
"Statistics and History
"Austin Texas July 28 1883. )
"Dear Sir- You have my thanks
for your prompt information in refer-
ence to the Florida mutual fire insurance
association of Micnnopy. This insur-
ance company has not submitted to this
department the papers required by law
or applied for authority to transact
business in this state and I have there-
fore had no opportunity to examine its
charter and by-laws. But its name suffi-
ciently indicates its character and from
that alone I have no hesitation in derid-
ing that it is clearly within the operation
of the iusurance laws of this state
and that its agents are subject to
prosecution under the act to define who
are insurance agents and to fix the liabil
ity for acting without authority oi law
(See Appendix Revised Statutes page
' 'Several such so-called insurance asso
ciations confessedly without the one
hundred thousand dollars paid up capi-
tal required bv law have made their ap
pearance in this state and in every case
where tne names oi their agents witn
evidence of the facts have been brought
to my knowledge prosecution has been
ordered through the proper county at-
torney. "In the interest of the revenue no less
than of the unsuspecting public and iu
justice to the legitimate insurance com-
panies that have on plied with our laws
and paid their taxes and fees I must ask
all regular insurance agents to co-operste
with me in my unceasing efforts to sup-
press smuggling insurance.
"Very respectfully
A. iV . dfaigiit commissioner.
Reports from Atlanta Foreshadow
His Kirly Death.
Washington July 28. An At-
lanta dispatch says: In modern an
nals there has not been a death so full
of horrors as that which Benjamiu
Harvey Hill is suffering nor his
resignation and Christian pbiloso-
fihy exhibited been excel'ed. Slow-
y (lying of one of the most loath-
some of diseases he is yet cheerful
patient and resigned. The patient
is put to sleep every night about 8
o'clock with . hyperdermic in
jections of morphine and does
not awake until ii ociock
the following morning. Three graius
of morphine are administered daily
the patient never being allowed to
come thoroughly tree from its in-
fluence. His food consists of
milk into which the yolks of eggs
have been beateu and a little whisky
added. About three quarts of this
mixture is passed into tho patient's
stomach every day through a tube
no portion of the fluid touching his
palate. The cancer for such it is
acknowledged to be by all but those
who have not had any connection
with the case has destroyed all the
tissues of his throat and mouth on
the left side as well as the lower
jaw or submaxillary bone. The
opening is so large that two or three
fingers pass freely up into the mouth
from below aud the palate can be
seen when the patient is lying dowu
and one approaches him from his
feet. The outer carotid artery is ex-
posed and pulsation is plainly seen.
His mouth is kept constantly filled
with absorbent and antiseptic
cotton which are frequently chauged
as is dressing outside. .No internal
remedy is now given or has any
been administered since the aban-
donment of the French cancer. The
treatment is the injection with blood
purifier and carbonized acid the
object to destroy the cancerous
germs iu the blood. A final change
is now thought will come from shear
exhaustion The soft or connective
tissue has been eaten away aud only
such tough elastic substances as com-
pose the walls of the artery are left
intact. What is left of the tongue is
attached to the right side by a
very slender ligament and
constant fear is felt that
it will become detached and fall into
the patient's throat when asleep and
thus end his'suflering. While yet suf-
ficient strength exists for further
continuance of the contest it the
morphine treatment was suspended
he would soon sink from the effects
of the pain. Now all that can be
done is to alleviate suffering and
prolong the few days which in spite
of his terrible condition he seems to
prize more than those upon which
he gained his glory.
Circular of Instructions to exam-
ining; Boards.
Colonel O. N. Hollinssworth secreta-
ry of the state hoard of education has
sent out a circular of instructions to sen-
ators and examining boards of candidates
for admission to the Sim Houston normal
institute. From Tt we make the follow-
ing exracts.
qualifications for admission.
The prerequisites of admission are as
follows :
1. A residence in this state.
2. Ladies must not be less than eigh-
teen and gentlemen not less than twenty
years of age.
3. There must be a purpose to follow
in this state teaching as a profession.
4. A pledge must be signed to teach as
many i-cssions in the public free schools
of this state as the party may attend ses-
sions of the institute.
5. Must sustain a satisfactory examin-
ation conducted by a hoard of examiners
appointed by the senators of the respec-
tive distric's of the slate in the following
named branches:
Orthography reading penmanship
arithmetic geography English grammar
English composition and history of the
United Stites in all of which a fair de
gree of proficiency must be demonstrated
in order to warrant an appointment.
The sealed package containing printed
lists of questions which will be deliv-
ered to you by jour senator must not be
opened until t lie lime fixed for the ex-
amination to begin.
The examination will begin at 9
o'clock August 2:j 18S2 at which time
all applicants must be present.
Other things being equal let ability to
teach determine the rank.
The board fiesire as far as possible an
equal representation of ladies and gentle-
men. You will please forward to Dr. J.
Baldwin the letters called for in the
twenty-fifth question and a duplicate
list of persons examined same as sent to
your state set.ntor.
The examinations should be chiefly
conducted in writing and with a view
to determine not simply the literary qual-
ifications but to uscerlain as far as prac-
ticable the native talent and availability
of the respective candidates for the pro-
fession of teaching.
It ia respectfully requested that no one
be recommended for appointment whose
scholarship fulls below seventy-five on
the bias of one hundred. No candidate
should be allowed to use a dictionary at
the examination.
The examiners are respectfully request-
ed to report the result of their examina-
tion to the senators of their respective
districts and make such recommendation
in reference to the matter of appointment
as they may deem proper. The degree
of Hcbolarship and such general qualifica-
tions of each candidate as established by
the examination should be clearly set
forth in said report.
Notice should be given as far as prac-
ticable throughout each senatorial dis-
trict of the time and place fixed for
competitive examination; and in the
event of failure by examining board to
recommend any applicants iu any sena-
torial district it will be expected that the
senator will in his discretion with or
without examination appoint suitable
persons as students.
No student will be received in the in-
stitute who upon examination by the
principal shall be found materially de-
ficient in a knowledge of the branches in
which students are required to be ex-
amined. For this reason boards of examiners
are requested not to recommend candi-
dates unless entirely satisfied as to their
In selecting students it should be con-
stantly kept in mind that the object of
the establishment of the institute is not
to furnish an education to the students
thereof for the purpose of aiding them in
successfully prosecuting in the future
some private vocation but to furnish
them a professional training for public
service as teachers in the common free
schools ; hence it is the wish of the s'ate
board of education that candidates who
have been engaged in teaching and who
desire to further qualify themselves for
that vocation as a lifetime profession
fhould be chosen ; provided they have
furnished evidences of qualification equal
to other competitors who are not teachers.
The Wool market.
From Brown & Co.'s Boston wool cir
cular we clip the following:
The sales as reported show a consider-
able increase over tho week previous
amounting to a larger aggregate than for
any week since the beginning of the year.
The most notable feature of this increase
is the heavy transitions in spring Cali-
fornia wools viz.: 1204400 pounds as
against only 73000 pounds hist week.
Although the transactions have been
large there has been no excitement in
the market and the general tone has
been quiet with a steady and firm feel-
ing iu values of the staple.
The movement in washed fleeces since
our last report shows some falling off
in the volumes of business transacted.
The current rates of Ohio fleeces do not
show any margin on the prices pre-
viously paid in the country and the "dif-
ference of opinion between the farmer
and dealer as t the value of the wool
has been considerable drawback to their
being marketed. It is probable that not
more than one-third of the clip in that
state has has yet left the growers' hands.
Michigan wools have sold more freely in
the interior at figures about equaVto
those paid in Ohio leanin but a very
small margin to cover the! expense of
marketing them at the seaboard. For
washed eombing and delaine fleeces there
has been a good demand and they are
freely taken as fast as they can be graded
Texas. Choice northern clips at 27
31c. ; average ditto at 2527c. ; choice
western clips at 2C28c. ; axerage ditto
242C c. Sales 275500 pounds. -
Weimer's first bale weighed 613
The fruit crop of Brown conuty is
Worms are troubling cotton on
the Brazos.
A military compauy is being or-
gauized at liichmond.
Collin county estimates her wheat
crop this year at 1000000.
The state granre is soon to assem-
ble at Dclton in Bell county.
Nearly all the counties have re-
ported first bales and the reports
aro becoming monotonous.
It is reported that considerable
sickness is prevalent at aud arouud
Port Sullivan il nam county.
San Antonio will have letter car-
riers and free delivery of mail mat-
ter ou and after September 1.
Hon. George Pfeufler of New
Braunfels will receive the support
of Guadalupe county for the state
Wm. Haney a Shermau printer
was killed by the cars at Jackson-
ville. He was a good hearted fellow
ruined by dissipation. .
Farmers of Washington have com-
menced cutting aud griudiug sur-
ghum cane. The variety known as
the African will take the blue rib-
bon. Last Sunday morning four of the
prisoners of the Brown county jail
attempted to escape and Jesse Rat-
HIT one of their number was killed
by Deputy SheriffMiller.
A colored man bv the name of
Smith was killed by lightning about
oue aud a half miles east of Ituter-
ville ou the Lagrange and Hound
Top road last Wednesday evening.
A letter from Pecos county says
the people there are greatly in-
debted to the efficient officer Cap
tain Oglesby and his rangers and
also to their very active deputy
sheriff George Young for quiet and
The negro school teacher who for-
merly taught school at Griffin's
chapel has been arrested at Came-
eron and lodged in jail on suspicion
of being the guilty party who set
fire to the school house at that place
on the night of last Saturday week
gammel Wainwrlffbt Boer.
By the bottle or dozen at Abrahams.
the appobtiohhent and
population of counties.
Tbo l ull Record Completed Yes-
terday by the Secretary of
Secretary Holllnga worth yesterday com-
pleted the apportionment of the school
fund of the mate. Below will be found a
full list of the counties and cities and
population of each with amounts appor-
tioned :
Counties. Popula'n Am't
Anderson 21G3 7.583
Angelina.; 3156 4678
Aransas 206 710
Archer ill 315
Atascosa 707 2439
Austin 2475 8538
Bandera 44 1.669
Bastrop 2716 9370
Baylor ... 123 424
Bee 348 1.183
Bell 3.0S6 10.474
Bexar 1.825 62!6
Blanco (i'.U S3K)
Bosque 1.S.VJ 6403
Bowie 1929 6.tA5
Brazoria 1.813 6.254
Brazos.: 2.346 8.0!3
Brown 1354 4 671
Burleson 1.873 6401
Burnet 1275 4.398
Caldwell 1879 6482
Caihoun 254 876
Callahan 378 1304
Cameron 2364 8155
Camp 1079 3722
Cass 3274 11.295
Chambers 351 1210
Cherokee 2787 9615
Clay 790 2725
Coleman 676 2332
Collin 4354 15.021
Colorado 2890 9970
Comal 851 2.935
Comanche 1549 6344
Concho 63 182
Cooke 3127 10788
Coryell 2088 7203
Crosby 7 24
Dallas 4312 14876
Delta 1016 3505
Denton 3023 10.429
De Witt 2010 6934 j
Dickens 14 48
IMmmUt 159 648
Duval 733 2.628
Eastland 1122 3870
Edwards 62 179
Ellis 3998 13793
El Paso 584 2.014
Erath 2.158 7445
Falls 2691 9.283
Fannin 6750 19837
Fayette 4467 15411
Fort Bend ' 2292 7907
Franklin 820 2829
Freestone 2510 8659
Frio 407 1404
Galveston 631 1.831
Gillespie 961 3315
Goliad 833 2.873
Gonzales 2522 8700
Grayson 4678 16139
Gregg 1378 4754
Grimes 3009 10381
Guadalupe 2000 6920
Hamilton 1325 4571
Hardeman 8 27
Hardin 480 1.676
Harris 1752 6044
Harrison 6171 17839
Hayes 1652 6699
Henderson 1721 6937
Hidalgo 829 2.860
Hill 3450 11902
Hood 1131 3901
Hopkins 3184 10984
Howard 18 62
Houston 3928 13551
Hunt 3119 10760
Jack 1255 4329
Jackson 441 1621
Jasper 1125 3881
Jeflerson 695 2:i97
Johnson 2825 9746
Jones 98 338
Karnes 517 1783
Kaufman ". 2531 8.731
Kendall 643 1.873
Kerr..-. 616 1780
Kimble 240 828
King 7 24
Kinney 508 1752
Knox 11 37
Lamar 4049 13.865
Lampasas 986 3401
Lavaca 2614 9018
Lee 1608 6547
Leon 2.352 8114
Liberty 811 2797
Limestone 2549 8794
Live Oak 299 1.031
Llano 1.143 3943
Madison 978 3374
Marion 1346 6.308
Mason 561 1935
Matasorda 689 2377
Maverick 63J 1835
Mcculloch 215 741
McLennan 4216 14544
McMullen 131 451
Medina 679 2342
Menard 138 476
Milam 2875 9918
Mitchell 119 410
Montague 2488 8583
Montgomery 1500 5382
Morns 893 3080
Nacogdoches 2120 7314
Navarro 3131 10801
Newton 770 2656
Neuces 523 1804
Orange 589 2032
Palo Pinto 1198 4133
Panola 2437 8407
Parker 2860 9.867
Pecos 210 724
Polk 1.320 4554
Presidio.... 306 1055
Kains 654 1.911
Red Kiver 3444 11881
Refugio 240 828
Robertson 3075 10608
Rockwall 538 1&'h3
Runnels 110 379
Rusk 6978 20617
Sablns 819 2825
San Augustine 1061 36H0
San Jacinto 999 3446
San Patricio 99 341
San Saba 844 2911
Shackelford.... 276 952
Shelby 1.915 6.606
Smith 3635 12540
Somervell 488 1683
Starr 1510 6.209
Stephens... 752 2594
Tarrant 3479 12002
Taylor 405 1604
Throckmorton 65 224
Titus 1147 3957
Tom Green.. 244 841
Travis 3497 12.064
Trinity 923 3184
Tyler 61 3315
Upshur 2 061 7110
Uvalde 426 1469
Van Zandt 2018 6962
Victoria 1276 4402
Walker 2033 7013
Waller 1.838 6.341
Washington 4.548 15690
Webb 1152 3 974
Wharton 613 2114
Wheeler 104 &58
Wichita 73 251
Wilbarger 41 141
Williamson 2833 9773
Wilson 1226 4229
Wise 3.608 12447
Wood 1.708 5.892
Young 671 2314
Zapata 604 1738
Zavala 79 272
CI fl KM AS D town a.
Austin 14.V 15ttft
Bellville 85 23
heltou St"
Boerne W H
Brenbam 885 3.0.V1
Brownsville '. 1201 4153
Bryan 4 15
Clebnrue 378 1304
Coinarcbc 114 :i'.ci
Corpus Christl y. 6-l 2349
Coreicana 2070
Dllas 1455 0019
Decatur 141 '!
Deuiaon 1101 37!8
Denton 9B5 914
El Paso 130 448
Knni 246 843
Flatonia 151 Ml
Fort Worth l.ntSO 8726
Gttinerville 511 1.7W
Galveeton 8H(18 lii75
Greenville 250 02
Hempetead 401 13X3
Honey Grove .- 272 :
Houston 2il 9870
Hunwville. 188 648
Jlarlin 1 672
Marshall 8125
McKinney 2U
Mexia 205 7H7
Navaxota &r)2 1241
New Braunfels 824 1117
Palestine 436 1504
Paris 1000 8481
Rockdale 232 800
San Antonio -'. 40Urt 13820
San Elii'ino 13 B63
San Patricio 6i 2 J 7
Sherman l.H 8.857
Tyler L7'1
Waco 1.351 4W0
Weattieriord 1!
Whitesbrro 79 6 7
Whitney -
Comities 264196 $911201
Cities and town S0.7U2 105902
Grand total Population 294.897; amount ap-
portioned $10171011
News waa received yesterday about
noon that Judge Noonaa had refused
Ben Thompson bail. This action of the
judge caused much surprise at it was
generally believed that he would allow
Thompson bad. The only recourse left
for Ben ufan appeal to the court of ap-
peals which does not convene however
until October. The district court meets
at San Antonio in September but
whether the final trial will take place at
that time is not known.
"We are promised better mail facilities
after awhile. Our people want it now
and want it badly but it takes a quarter
of a century for a howl from this section
to reach one cf the departments at Washington.
By the International and Great Northcrt
Railroad Company for agricultural products at
the Eighth Annual Fair of tne Capital Slate
Fair ArsocUiion which takes place
At Anstiii. from OctoUcr 17 to 21 1882.
The International aud Great Northern Rail-
road Company onVr f500 in premiums to be
awarded at the fair of 1882 as follows: For the
best four a-rv of cultivated land In the coun-
ties of Travis Hays and Williamson same to
be planted oue each in wheat corn oa's and
cotton first premium f250: second 150; third
Each competitor for these premiums will
apply to W. P. Gaines superintendent at Aus-
tin Texas who will select a committee of
three responsible and disinterested persons to
see the crops ' of the competitors gathered
weighed and measured such committee to re-
port ou omh as to the quantity quality and
mnnner of cultivating such crops. The com-
petitors will place on exhibition at the fair a
sample ol en rh crop not less than one bushel
each of the dili'ereut kinds of train and one bale
of cottou
ap4d3tw3t Secretary.
Rheumatism Neural tri a. Lumbago
or Sciatica Sprains Bruises Aches
Ulcers Burns and Scalds Sore
Throats and Salivation. A powerful
remedy for Lameness in Horses and
Mules; cures all Scalyand Skin Dis-
eases Sores and Old Ulcers Stiffness
of Joints and Swelling of Nodes.
Professor O. P. Hubbard In speak-
ing of cures he had seen performed
by the American Indians says:
" I never saw an Indian have an
nicer or foul wound In my life
ueither is there such a' thing to be
found among them; they cure Rheu-
matism Burns Scald Heads Swell-
ings Lameness etc. infallibly and
never miss. Their chief remedy is
the Acorn Oil. From the London
Lancet and Clinic
Oily 50 Gents.
ill and Fever
The best and rheapeat absolute Chill
and Fever Cure In the market.
A remarkable statement from a prominent
Leeovtllk. Tex. June 27 1881. Messrs.
Thompson George A Co.. Galveston Gentle-
men: Your Schotl's Chill Tonic has almont
superseded all other chill Medicines before the
public in tuis section. When-given according
to directions it rarely fails to break the most
obstinate case of chiils. I consider It an excel-
lent tonic and one of the best anti-periodics.
The price should recommend it to the public
as it is the cheapest and most effectual in the
market. Yours respectfully
It is the concurrent testimony of the peblic
and the medical profession that Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters Is a medicine which achieves
results speedily flt thorough and benign Be-
side rectifying liver disorder it invigorates the
feeble conquers kidney and bladder complaints
aud hastens the convalescence of tbnse recover
ing from enfeebling diseases. Moreover it Is
the grand specific for fever uud airne.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen-
erally. jv2deodwew
poll HALF.
bucks all in fine healthy couditlon for $1400
cash: also Rauche for sale consisting of two
hundred acres of land situated on the line of
Travis ana Bastrop counties said rsncue nss
good house and crib and smoke house 50 acres
in pasture 1(1 acres lii Held. Will be sold with
sheep or without. For further information
apply to W. E. CAIiPKNTKK. Au'tiu or J. F.
BECK Garfield Bastrop county Texas.
Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil
Positively Restores tne Hoarina ain Is me Oily
Absolute cure tot Deafness Known.
This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of
small WHITE SU AKK cauebl In tne Yellow
Sea known as Carchabuooh Rondklkth.
Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues
as a rrptorntive ol hearing were discovered by s
Buddhist Priest about the year 1411). Its cures
were so numerous and many so seeuilngly mi-
raculous that the remedy was ofiicially pro-
claimed over the entire empire. Its use be-
came so universal that for 800 years no Dea frees
has existed among the Chinese people. Sent
charges prepaid to any address stf 1.00 per bot-
tle. '
It has performed a miracle in my case.
I have uo unearthly noises in my head snd
hear much belter. .
I have been trreatlv benefited.
My deafness helped a great deal think an-
otner botue win cure me.
"It' virtues are unquestionable and its cura-
tive character absolute as the wilier can per-
sonally testi'y both from experience and obser-
vation. Write at once to Batlock A Jinnt 7
Dey Street New York enclosing fl.00 and you
will receive by return s remedy that will enable
yon to hear like anybody else and whose cura
tive effects will he permanent lou will never
reeret doing so."- Editor Mercantile Review.
(7To avoid loss in the moils please send
money by registered letter.
Only imDOiUd by HA7L0CK & IEV1Y.
(Late 11 a v lock A Co.)
7 Dey si. Hew vorK.
Sole Agents for America. Juwly
Corn Wanted!
5000 Bushels
Of New Shelled Cora Wanted at once by
For sale by UKO. DUN LAP Austin Texas.
Farmers Planters M Stock Feeders
Win Save Money by Griading their m Feed.
Tbi Celebrated
Tbos. Bradford Portable
Also Leather Onm Belt
in; Koltlng Cloth sic.
write for descriptive
circular and Price Llat.
t WInwt fret WsrtsssM OM
Pure Water!
The latest improved and best machines in the
HORSE or STEAM POWER. Catalogue Free.
Sells Pure Stick Candy as cheap as others sel
the impure. Compare the randr.
wlr W. W. LAMMK. Proprietor.
We invite your attention to the facili
ties offered by the Statesman job office
for printing briefs. We have a number
of printers employed in that department
and can execute orders rapidly and as
cheat or cheaper than any other office in
the city. Give us s trial tf
gS. qt X' 5 in m 34!
Save Money Time Labor and Patience
Tie Most Beautiful DmaWe Economical
and Traoroarblr Reliable mixed Paint for Wood Iron Brick 8tone orris
ter. Does not KAUE or CHALK J K but retains iu Freshness and
Brilliancy for many ears. You will find
H to SL 5E5 It jL 3CL &
to be Cheaper Better more Durable and
l'aper.or any other finish for walls
Use None but the Befit
JolinXi. "W Hi ting's Oeletorated
Paint Varnish Whitewash. Kalsominc and other Brushes
For which we are Wholesale Agents. The attention of Painters is rsssictlull
called to these Brushes and I'rl a. And if you want
Or any other article belonging to this line at
207 East Pecan Street.
Brac c.iog.
Nervous Debility
Andtkt many evil and gloomy mtutfittnclt 4 'tar If
This incomparable .kat English Rkmsdt has
already achieved a wuUl-wide reputation (or its law
Innsic merits ; it is not a patent medicine but a pre-
scription of one of the most eminent English Physicians
it is infallible in rtstorinr lot! virv whether front
imprudence sickness or old age. Sufferers may fully
rely on this. We have no agents ; Specific sent by
mail securely sealed with full directions and rules.
Price SI. per pkge. or pkges. for 90.
Sufficient to cure most cases.
SOB East ltk SU Now fork CUjk
Grand Offer for the Next 60 Days On ly.
PIANO STYLE 31-2 iUrrufi'SlS
patent overniruDK scale btauillul carved lege and lyre heavy turpentine and large fancy mould
ing full iron frame French Grand Action Grand Ilammera In fact every improvement which
can in any way tend to the perfection of the inttrainent has been sdded.
tSOur price for this instrument boxed snd delivered on board cars at New dnMC Ort
Voik with line Piano Cover r-tool and Boos only bZ40iUU
JuPt reduced from onr lute wholesale factory price IS" for sixty days only. Thia is now by
lar the gieateet bargain ever offered the mus.eal public. Unprecedented success I Tremsndons
demand for thia atylel Kend in your order at once. Do not lose this rare opportunity.
This Piano will be sent on 15 dnys trial. Please send reference If yon do not send money with
order. Cash sent with order will he refunded and freight charges paid by as both ways If Piano
la not just as represented. Several other special Bargains: Pianos f UK) np. Over 15000 In ore
and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don't rail to write us belora baying. Handsome Illustrated
Piano Catalogue maik"1 free giving the highest testimonials ever swarded any piano manufac-
turer. Every piano fully war 'anted lor 5 years.
SHEET MUSIC st one-third price. Catalogue of 8000 choice pieces of popular Mnalc sent for
Sc stamp
MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO . P. 0. Box 2058 Nw York City. Juwlr
For more than a third of a century tho
IMexleaut Mnitasg Liniment has been
known tq millions all over the world ss
the onyttafe reliance for the relief of
accidents and pain. It is a medicine
above price ana praise the best or its
k ind. For every form of external pain
Mnstnng Liniment Is without an ermal.
It penetrates flesh aviid muscle to
the very bone making the continu-
ance of pain and iiinnmination Impos-
sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and
the Brute Creation aro equally wonder
fui. Tho Mexican
Liniment Is needed by somebody In
every house. Kvery day brings news of
the asrouy of sa awful scald or burn
subdued of rhcnmsUe martyrs re
stored or a valuable horse or ox
saved by the healing power ol this
which speedily cores such ailments of
Rlitamatlsm Swellings vtffl
Joints. Contracted Muscles Burns)
and ek-avlds lata Bruises and
Sprains Poisonous Bites and
Stings feUITness LtmtiKH Old
Sores CTcers Frostbites Chilblains
More Nipples Caked Breast and
Indeed every form of external dis-
ease. It heals without scars. A
For the Bbutb Creation it cares
Sprains Bwinny SUflr Joints
Founder If arness (Mrres Hoof Ils
eases Foot Hot Screw Worxu.flcab
Hollow Horn Scratches Wind-
Grails Spavin Thrush Itlnatbone
Old Sores Poll Evil Film npon
the Sletat and every other ailment
to which tne occupants of the
Stable and Stock Yard sure liable.
The Mexican Bfuetantj Liniment
always cures and never dlsuppoiaU;
and It is positively
ri OF ALL 5
The state of Texas to all persons Interested In
tho administration of the estate of William
T. Home deceased:
A O. Home Jr. administrator of the estate
of Wni. T. Home deceased has filed his final
account In the County Court of Travis county
which will be acted on st tho next term of said
court commencing the third Monday in bep
tember 1882 at the courthonse thereof in tne
city of Austin at which time all persons inter-
ested In eaid estate may appear and contest the
said exhibit and account if they see proper.
Witn sss -.Frank Brown Clerk ot said court
snd the seal thereof attached this the
twenty-first day of July 1KH2.
Jyif7w3t FRANK BROWN Clerk.
The co partnership heretofore existing be-
tween Joel P. Smith and J. C. C. Black
known as Smith A Black and doing business at
Round Mountain Blanco county Texas has
been this day dissolved by mutual consent
Joel P. Smith reti-lng. J. ". C. Black will
continued the business and la authorized to
collect all claims due the old firm.
Round Mountain Blanco County Texas May
9 1802. mv 20-4
ftUU Lou to Suit Purchasers. By an order
of tbe frobate Court of Travis county Texas
In tbe town of Brady McCullnrh county on
tbe first day of Augu-t 1H62 1 will sell to the
highest bidder 24J0 bead of good Merino ttheep:
Also at Eden In Concho county. I will soil on
August 4 1882 A20U head of Good Merino sheep
to the highest bidder with 40 head of good Ver-
mont Bucks. Terms casta. A. YOK
iyll.lbawlt Execntor Ueo. Hobbs' it state.
E STRAYED By M.. R. Crooks before J A"
Wright J P. T. C.Jane 11882 a bay
mare about 8 years old shout 14 hands high
branded on lelt Jaw X on left shoulder BOB
oa lelt thigh W II. counter-branded on riirht
jaw 6 and on right side of nxck W appraised at
ma. rKAKMittuwn
Jy7 8t Clerk C. C.T.C.
FOR SALE A first class second-band 8'ranb
Corn Mill with bolting chest snd all fix-
tures complete by J. LEsEK Soap factory
Austin Texas. Je28wlm
Mopfs Fort View Vineyard !
Open to Visitors every day. Offers Its pro-
duce. Sour & Sweet Wines Grapes & Fruits
of all kinds daring the season at nasonabla
figures. TQis place is ivr sate.
Easier Applied than Kalsomlne. Wal
nd ceilings. Sticks like Cement
For leasing the Texss State Penitentiaries sa-
tire or for the labor ol Convicts confined there-
in by shops.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by
the underairned np to 12 o clock a. Friday
September 16 1882 for leasing tbe Texas State
Penitentiaries and all property thereto be-
longing the buildings machinery and labor of
from GO i to 7110 convicts In each penitentiary
: For a period or 15 year from Jaman 1 1883
I'roDosuls will also be received np to same
! time for the labor of convicts by shops from
8" upsards on like plan as contracted tor la
I Northern Prisons for periods ot from Avs to
ten years from January 1 1883.
Both prisons well supplied with commodious
The Rusk Penitentiary Is sltnstcd near town
of Rusk fourteen mil. s from I. A U. N. R. K.
snd will be couuectud therewith by a narrow
gmige railroad now nearly completed. It Is
surrounded by an abudance of iron ore of flee
quality. Will hnve connected with It a fine
blast furnacu with capacity of twenty-five tons
of pig Iron per day. Timner for coal easily se-
cured. About fH5ono st disposal of tbs Board
to place machinery in said penitentiary.
The llunlsvllle Penitentiary on tne line of
the 1. A (J. N R. K. It Is supplied with acon-
slderahlb amount of machinery snd tools lor
milking wnons fur: iture chairs shoes and
cloth. About :.0ociO t disposal of Board for
additional machinery.
Bids will also he received nnill TuesdayAa-
gust l. 1882 for leaa of about HOOronvlcU to
be worked ou farms on the outside In forces of
uot less than sixty
All bids to be Directed to the Governor at
Austin Texas and must be accompanied by a
good and sulncleui boud. In sum of $100110 Iu
case of bid fur lease of entire penleentlary and
bond of I10U0 for each 100 convicts or frac-
tion thereol proposed to he contracted for
whether on oulilile or Inside rondllloned thai
contract and bond will be entered into and sxs
CiJted If proposal be accepted.
Bids lor outside 1 ibor will be opened by the
Board at the office of the Governor of the State
in the city of Austin Texas at 12 o clock X.
on August IS 188-.' aud contract awarded.
Bids for Iiii.b of Peiiltentlailea or Inside la-
bor will be oiiened at the office of the Ouvernor
at 12 a. on Frldav fifteenth day of Hepteaiher
18X2 wlien the Board will determine wketbar
each Penitentiary sball be leased entire or tbe
labor by shops In limited numbers after wblcD
contracts will be awarded to tbe highest and
best responsible bidders.
The Board reserves the right to reject any snd
all bids offered.
For full particulars sddres T. J. GOREE
Huperlnteuuenl of Penitentiaries. Huutsville
Texas who will send circular with full Infor-
mation. O. M. ROBERTS
' Governor.
bupt. Pen'y.
Anstln July 1 1882.
Pen. Board.
E STRAYED By C. E. Anderson before
Wilson Gregg Justice of the peace of
Travis county July 24 1882 one sorrel sts'lloo
four years old. two white feet branded KX on
lelt shoulder; oue roan horse eight or Dine
years old fourteen hands high brand H with
cross-bar over ou left shoulder and 14 on left
Jaw; one roan stallion four years old brai ded
two circles connected by a perpendicular bar on
shoulder: oue grey horse about lonr years old
braudei EX on right shoulder; one bay mare
ten or twelve years old branded Fi with bar
above snd below and FD below the bottom bsr
on lett thigh snd M above 8 oa shoulder; one
two year old with no brand snd one grey mare
fourteen or fifteen vears old branded Z above Z
on shoulder and KB on shoulder; all of then
appraised at f80. FRANK BROWN Cleik.
auwkiy f O. C T. U.
Ff STRAYED By K. R. Smith before M. M.
Ii Ilornshy J. P. T. C July 1. 1882 oue dun
Mare about thirteen snd one-ball hands high
nine years old branded M over a V aud carved
line over both on left hip and thigh; alto one
gray Mare aboat fifteen hands high seven or
eight years old nrauoea x ovei a u on leu nip.
Appraised at $25.
vdiiv nnou'iu
Clerk C. 0. f . C.fH
juiy xi iiie
STRAYED By Andrew Hamilton before
L. M. M. Hornsby J. P. T. C July 1 1882
a hrinule Steer or work Ox about eight years
old branded WSS on left side marked crop
and under bit in each ear. Appraised st 125.
Also s black and white spotted Cow snout four
years old branded AO on left side marked crop
off each ear. Appraised at $16.
July 21-81$ Clerk O. C. T. C.
I? STRAY NOTICK-Estrayed Mav 01883 by
li J. H. Coleman jr. before W. G. Crockett
Justice of the Peace ot Travis county tbs fol-
lowing described animals to-wlt: Ons bsy
horse 14 hands high 4 years old. 8 white feet
branded N ft (connected) on left thigh sad M
(dim) on left shoulder. Also a don horse with
blaze face 2 white feet. 7 years old 14 hands
high and branded earns ss sbove. Appraised
County Clerk Trsvls Counly Texss.
jy B-wai
E STRAYED June 10 1884 by7 D.ulkei
belore James A. Wrigbt Justice of the
Peace One Gray Mare fourteen hands high
14 or 15 years old with blotched brand on left
shoulder. One blue Rosn Mare 4 years old
fourteen hands high branded K on left shoul-
der on hip snd ou Jaw. and one Blue Gray Mare
8 years old fourteen bsnds high branded A.
with a perpendicular bar running from bottom
to top through tbe centre on shoulder snd hip
all of wblch are valued at $UOU FRANK
BROWN County Clerk Travis County Texas.
E STRAYED By J. Arthur Bailey betore W.
W. Medearls J . P. T. C May 27 1882 one
Roan Horse biaoded A 1 on left shoulder; also
one White Horse shout 14 bauds high branded
A 1 on left shoulder; slso one Bay Horse Colt
branded H V (with bar above II and qulrl ou
left band top of V) on left shonlder and 8Z
(both letter ami figure forming one character)
on law; also one Bay Mare about 14 hands
blub branded T on left Jaw; also ons Bay Year.
Uok Coll anbranded. Appraised at $7 each.
Je28w3t County Clerk Travis County.
E8TRAYBD By James H. Crooks before 3.
A. Wright. Justice of the peace Trsvls
county Jnly 7 1881 one bay mare about (oar-
teen hands nigh about five years old branded
C on left shoulder and Ds on left shoulder )nst
under lbs first named brand. Appraised at $20.
always st lowest rates.

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Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 3, 1882,newspaper, August 3, 1882; ( August 15, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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