Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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A ''S'-: MMflNilMtMM mum- i -I 10 nUMDAT AVGUST A INS WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS Fhons 4391 Want Ad Headquarters THE THEATERS PfcBIOWsTlHBERliKEGxBtWY MERCURY HITS 102 DEGREES E-f-YoA 47 Claimed by Death Mr York 47 diad at a rj Homer Dixon of Guymoo Okl four daughter Mi WaUar of Bon Angalo Mr 8 A WlUiams of Wlehlta Fall Mira Marguerite York of Wichita Falla and Mr Welter Nash of BsntonvUIs Ark end throo son VlrgiL Lloyd end Hobart York of Wlehlta Fall Pets Estes Injured in Acddent at Randi Linton (Pate) Eats oldest sob of Mr end Mr Ltotoa Bate was Injured on his reach noar Clayton Monday Mr and Mr Estra toft Wednesday to Mag him back to Wlehlta Fall It was reported that ho had badly laomtod foot STRAND: "Broadway Gondolier' 'with Dick Powell Joan Blonde 11 Adolphe Menjou Four Mills brothers Ted Flo Rlto and his orchestra Chrtoon Popeye In "Dlssy Divers" News STATE: Schoolmaster" with Norman Foster Charlotte Henry Wallaco Reid Jr George Hayes and Dorothy Llbalrs Also Franklin Pangborn in "Captain Hits the Celling" screen snapshots ai news events MAJESTIC: "Major Bowes Amateur on tho stage "Tomorrow's Champions" sports reel "The Rag Dog" color cartoon GEM: "Wo Live with Anna Stan Frederic March and Aubrey Smith Cartoon comedy and novelty i Double-Barreled Change in School Laws Provided in Last Amendment Thursday Morning at 9 o'clock Close-out! 193 Pairs and SUMMER FOOTWEAR San Angelo hospital Wednesday morning Mr York who had boon a resident of Wlcnite Falls sines early childhood waa visiting with her daughter Mr Waller In San Angelo when oho contracted tha Illness which ended in her death Funeral services have not boon completed Tha body wlU arrive to Wlehlta Falla Thursday Mr York to survived by her mother Mr Busan Dixon of Childress two slats re Mr Alva Dickens of Whltawright and Mr Bohannon of Kirkland throe brother Hubert Dixon of Childress George Dixon of Whltawright and Today Only IS Ail Dr 62C3 THI GLORIOUS yrosyof a MOTgOMmUl OTBD AOAItCEl TMs Is the i eta sad last of swlis at art Ms desHag wlUi tbs saves is ta sutalttec to Tula veton sa An GIBBS BOYS TO PLAY TONIGHT Youthful Artists Guests at Major Bowes Show Tho three Olbhs brothers talented youthful string band artists will appear In the last program Thursday night of tho Major Bowes radio stage entertainment at the Majestic theater The three boys Nathaniel Samuel and Leon wor first place In the district Chevrolet amateur contest held recently rad will compete in the state finals to bo held at Dallas Sept 8 Samuel and Nathaniel are route carriers for tho Times Publishing company Tho youths are appearing at the request of Lorlng Smith announcer for the Major Bowes entertainment The troupe of amateur entertainers arrived in Wichita Falls Wednesday morning -and offered their first performance at the theater In the afternoon Included are singers dancers and a full orchestra According to Stewart theater manager the entertainers had expressed appreciation for their reception in the city and were highly Impressed with Wichita Falls Thursday night Is their last appearance In Wichita Falls CHUCK WAGON GANG HONORS ENTERTAINERS With Major Bowes amateurs as honor guests the Chuck Wagon gang laid aside their business suits and their dignity for an hour Wednesday at noon to lay out a huge feed of beans beef pickles ck coffee and buns for tho performers at Weeks park Braved on tin plates the meal had been supervised In its preparation by Paul Montgomery and Mustek and cooked by two able negro cook As co-boss of the chuck wagon Wrangler Mustek was a resplendent Is doublo-barrslsd pro-place the provisions being related to each other only in that each has to do with tho school ayotem Tho first change would permit freo textbooks to bo furnished to parochial and private schools 1 they aro now furnished to public schools Tho second change would authorise tho legislature to change tho basis of apportionment of tho available school fund Free Beoko for AS When tho legislature in 1517 submitted a constitutional amendment providing for freo text hooka In tho schools It wrote Into tho proposal REGULARLY TO Sale Promptly -at 9 Thursday Morning HO EXCHANCES or REFUNDS Shoot -(Street Floor) More Heat in Prospect Says ospect Man Weather Tjrplcal August weather was inaugurated in Wlehlta Falla Wednesday whan tha tamparatun soared to UR deg roes to put a stop to tho i ably eOoi wsathar Wicb-Itans have been enjoying Hotter wsathar to to prospoet for already panptrlng eitlsua though ao tho weather chart nveala that for tha past '13 years tho maximum temporatun for August has not bson bolow 105 degress and ta 1180 rooehod a record high of 108 dons Swimming ports aad other cooling entertainment establishments won reported to bo doing a office burtnoao during tho day ao Wlehitani sought nflaf from tho hoot of tho ran Tho minimum tamparatun of 73 degrsss for the day wss registered In tho early houn of tho morning Tho mercury raoo rapidly after ranrtoa and at i a waa at tho 100 mark Armj Enlists Many From Widnita Area Ml Young man of tho Wlehlta Falls area recently enlisted to the United States army through tho local erultlng offleos Include tho follow- Vaneo Jr son of Mr and I Mr Herbert Vane Wlehlta Falls department Fort BUI Ok la Thomas Wrtib Wlehlta Fall medical dapartmant Fort S1U A Norvoll Thrift oon of Mr and Mr Bract NorvoU Thrift dapartmant Fort Bill Henry Tucker Wichita Fall mad leal department Fort Bill demon Dick Thrift flnt field artillery Fort Sill Duward Wilson Jsnnyn Text field artillery Fort BUI Nsthorlaln Thrift field artillery Fort Sill Frank A Hoidon Wlehlta Fall Hold artillery Fort SIU Leoman Harvey son of Mr and Mr Harvey' Byor Text field artillery Fort 8UI Carver Goodtott-Text field artillery Fort SIU Luke Anthony Bowls field artillery Fort BUI Frank Moor son of Mr and Mr Georgs Mora Wlehlta Fkll field artillery Fort SIU and Scotland Earl Bchenck I tUlery Port SUL Rotary Diatrict Chief Airirei Here for Vieit Jamss Wilson dtotrlot governor for Rotary International arrived to Wlehlta Falk Wednesday afternoon for hlo annual visit ta tho Wlehlta Fells elub Tho governor attended a business meeting of tha club council bold at tha Kemp hotel Wodnosday night mad ha will bo tho principal speaker at tho regular mooting of tho local organtoatkm Thursday noon Mr Wilson ta a lumber dealer Hlo hom*o to at Floydada TIRTLE OIL This row hnprovod tnat-mrat ta tho modorn ooiratlflc mothod of rsjuvanatlng tho kin to porfoet loveltaaa For the prevention and suppression of wrinkles revitalises -beau tl fie clesnseo tho pores Bring this ad to this store aad got 83 Jar of Inna Lfr monte's Turtle Oil Cream for $1 and wa will give yon absolutely FREE a 13 bottle nf oxqulelto Gardenia Fleur Par- -fume and a $1 box of Gardenia Face Powder to your favorite shad Mail Orfn 10c Extra Renfro Drug No 2 Ttk at Sill The Wichita Falls Clinic-Hospital DR ESCHENBRENNER with Dr i Nan RYE EAR NOSE AND THROAT COUNTY CUTS JAIL COSTS Sheriff Must Feed Prisoners At 40 Cents Day Allowance for tho larder of the Wichita county Jail wort trimmed by the county commissioners court Wednesday morning from BO cents to 40 crate per day for each prisoner effective Aug 15 Too Many Fileianie Prisoner! have boon so numerous during tho past fsw months as to Incur an overs lied board bill for the county to pay through appropriations for tho sheriffs department commissioners observed Cur ailment of the dally allowance per prisoner wee voted as an economy measure It was pointed out Lewis Jernlgan Jr was unanimously elected to succeed his father who died last Sunday morning as superintendent of the county farm and other county buildings Jernigaa Appointed Tho salary was fixed at (ISO per month plus residence lights gas water telephone and laundry service Upon the recommendation of Mr Jernlgan Moore was named to fill tho position of guard and assistant at the county farm heretofore held by Mr Jernlgan The county auditor was authorised to purchase all necessary supplies for the special election to bo held Aug 24 A news agent of Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire Eng was fined a shilling for selling a single Sunday paper In 1577 Today 17000000 copies ara sold In England each Sunday MAJESTIC LAST DAY! ON THE STAGE: RNR MAJOR BOWES! AMATEUR SHOW WITH TUB WINNERS OP BLRVEN OF MAJOR OWRS NBC COAST TO COAST I Or tha Sanaa: "Drat Bet ra Bleedeef wlU Warren figure high-hi clad in a bright pink shirt eeled boots with nun and 10-gallon Stetson Jack Jeffuc combined modernity with tradition in striking manner when he cams out with a white linen suit white shoes and a huge white sombrero owned bv Oral Jones Tho camp waa thrown on tha banka of Holliday crack and cowboys one group of them from Connecticut galloped gaily up and down its banks on several outdated range horses "B-r-r-ing1 Bess Sweeney Irish even to the tip of her tongue and pleasingly plump Boss Woods drew the most attention from the Wichita Falls delegation Corn-Hog Contracts To Pay Fanners $10000 Wichita county signers of corn-hog contracts with tho AAA for 1935 numbering about 63 will receive approximately 510000 In three payments this year Everett county agricultural agent eta ted Wednesday Tho 1984 signers of corn-hog contracts numbered about ISO and foe total payment waa about 515000 Mora than 1000000 contracts wen signed this year In tho entire country however Tho flret payment to Texas farmerc will total Felony Charges Filed Against Four Men Members of tho county attorney's staff Wednesday morning took felony complaints against four men arrested by local officers Travis Gardes and I Burton were charged with theft over 580 In connection with on attempt to remove tires from a truck in a ear yard Loot was recovered by police A charge of having burglarised a garage on Bridge street waa fHad against Ray McAlister Rosooo Hardin waa charged with theft by bailee of an automobile belonging to LeSage Motor company RECORDS ACTMfOMU uemran Armor HmA Tea HkOs Empire Pap aoaaceay WleMta Fan Chevrolet track I Meets WleMta rails JMfle Wlehlta rails Ftr- Sa Beard Wlehtta Fall Nek dMe Reed Wlehlta Fata rtjrmsuth A Wtaeo WleMts Fata Ford Candle Nancy Oriewoi Wichita Fata Dodca truck WUUaa leldab WleMta Fan Fty- LailDsy DICK POWELL JOAN BLONDELL "BROADWAY BOOBDURR" JAMES CAGNEY PAT DANCE TONIGHT Big 5c Night BOBBY RANDOLPH Bad Hk a Bomnon LAKESIDE SUMMER CLUB Xswt Dbjs-SOo TUI 5 pi fl Hoosier with NORMAN FOSTER CHARLOTTE HENRY LEW AYRES uSilk Hat KidT with MAR CLARK PAUL KELLY REBIMia I Cialn Dodd Starta FRL fbefi beoi era a tart Sat man IMU sea sow Is "illKMA ll The Irish in IV Mew Ohm OSvta Do HavUtoad Fnak McHugh ''f -Y' Vs- -v- that tho Pori V-S lYeffi to man wurtMltowB tta Bay crock Ferd over Wc ako want you ta why Pori Ttucfcc kavo aotaMy low alataaBaca coot Wa waat la toO yaw raolna sel awn fto '-J aF-( poiralts you ta keep year Crock la tho poak of coodl tton at rarprtolngly low cost Thto to aa opoa tavltattoa iatahoadraangiafoar'toa tbo-JoV tort which win prove (bora thtodc to yoa aad giro pro hi hforraattoa about thaayuacoaldotlaathoa i '4- Until Advancing Prices Prohibit We Will Take Special Orders on Cloth and Fur COATS at August Sale Prices! Midfr-to-your-exact-meMure The length and size you require The coHsr and sleeves you need The color and trim you want you desire in your new winter cloth or fur cost you can have at our AUGUST SALE I -si j- i to 'JlvV-rt' iw: U-i'? frm StfdtT? fO 1 -V' stt- bcuanco ten attend- a stipulation limiting tho of such books to "child "chlldrtn within tho echolsetla ago attending any school In this stats" It also proridoo that only itats-adoptad hooka shall bo Issued freo There are a good many Texans who ara opposed to parochial schools They feel that education being a function of tho state tha tats should monopolise It Thooa holding such sentiments may ho on-poctod to oppose this amendment In reply to thorn tho forces eon-ducting the parochial and private choolc cay In effect arc educating many thousand children relieving the etata of the burden of schooling them In spits of tho fact tho nor pay school taxes and thus contribute to tha support of tho publlo schools This amendment will to some extent lighten tho burden wo hava assumed" Regulation Provided There Is ona clause in thia port of tha amendment which may be expected to comawhat abate tha opposition of those who dlsllka the law of using publlo mo nay to help parochial and private schools and which at the tame la calculated to lessen tha enthusiasm of tha conductors of ouch schools for tho amendment It provides that tha hooka shall bo distributed "under such regulations and In ouch man-nor a may bo provided by It thus authorises tha legislature to qay for exam pis that Iraq hooka ball be Issued only to such schools as accapt state supsrvlaion At present there Is no state supervision of non-public schools and In many Instances such supervision would bo vigorously oppoeed Tho conditions under which hooka aro furnished to tho non-public schools may bo very objoctlonoblo to those conducting euch schools A foot to bo hom*o in mind In connection with this part of tho amendment to that only eta to-adopted textbooks may bo furnished Tho other proposed change has nothing to do with free textbooks or non-public schools Tho constitution now provides In section 8 of article Vu that "the available school fund shall ha distributed to' tha atvaral counties according to thalr echolastio population and applied In ouch manner as may be provided by law" Tho proposed amendment would change this section to say that "tha available school fund shall bo distributed to tho several counties as may be provided by law and applied in such manner na may be provided bp law" Under axlatlng provision the tats contributes to tho rapport of tho schools In each county on tho basis of scholastic population That Is to ray on tho number of children of tho ages I to 18 In tho county A county's echolastio pop- friar Its school enrollment In tit* that an predominantly rural or that have largo nogro or Mexican sis monte a grant many of those within tha scholastic ages may not bo pupil In county Ilka Wlehlta and to moot of tha Waot Taxas countie a high poresntogo of thoao of scholastic ago to tho eountlao whan from of tho scholastics Such a county larger shars of thia fund pir pupil a school than doao acholaotie population oaroUmaat an bout equal Thus the present system may ba old to put a premium on low ob-rollmont and on tax onforeemont of tho compulsory school attendance law Not only that but it Invites fraud Tha county that eon pad Its echolastio eansus goto 51750 for soeh person raumsratod Than has bora ooam ovldoneo of ouch podding Then Is writ founded suspicion of much mon than hu boon RfQWsA no Two Sidra Opponanta of tha emend men coy that to do away with seholactio danganuo would make tha school tout a political football While eoaeodlng that tha pnoant bosk la foulf nUon whathar tho loi Id bo entrusted with tho duty of changing Oppononta 1 aloe objoct to the knguogo of tho pnpocsd amond-moat authorlatog Jaouaneo of free textbooks to thooa of aehotaatlo ag At pneont thay point out otadoata who an above the rahmootio ago rsealvo frso book but would ba do privod of thorn uador the sunt Boom of thooo who have boooms noontful of tho abuses aad teamed- tlra that have davalopod uador tha pnorat rate of apporttoniaiat bo-Hovo that this partoir tb Boat braoaough merit any objections that might to tha part doaltog with book The voter Bust am njoet tko aaradBrat aa FURS like DIAMONDS most be bought with CONFIDENCE! New arrivals la 8 noToblis vjortt a THOUSAS35 Tha pronmtlon of Mack Huffakcr to tha poaiUon as oalaa managor for tho Fox Chevrolet company wss announced Wednesday by Floyd Randal general managar of tho company Mr Huffaker has bean a sail man for tha company for tha past aevan years and was a member for four yean of tho Chavrolot 100-Car elub Prior to hlo connection with tha automobllo agency ha was ployed by tha Auto Spring a Supply company HOSPITAL TO ASK PWA AID $40000 Sought for Work at State Institution An effort will bo mads to a grant of slightly mon than 40r 000 for construction work at tho Wlehlta Falk State through the public works Istration Dr Charles Csetner said Wednesday Tha grant wlU be part et the program to soak to Increaoa by one-third tho appropriations of 51114000 tw the state for traction of olaomooynary institution Applications for tho money won based on provision permitting grants up to 45 per coat to supplement funds for ubllo buildings to provide unamploymaut rallof Tho lost leglslatura made grant of 8125400 to tho Wlehlta Falk Inctltutlon fra tha construction of ychopathle word Day superintend rat of psychopathic hospital at Galveston who woo In Wlehlta Folio Wodnosday conferring with Dr Costner said that tha PWA application fra his hospital was for 540400 and that his Institution had bara granted by tho last tagtalaiura an appropriation of 5130000- According to on Associated Prsoc dispatch Claude Tear chairman of tho hoard of control cold that if tho federal funds won obtained to mpplemrat ctoto appropriations tor one-third tha amount would bo tef-flclsnt to orset building ocoommo-dating lnssno now bald ta toil Dr Costner sold that tho ptoaa for tbo peye hops th fas ward would ba ravomped for larger building if tho PWA monev to secured A special grant of 550400 woo nude by tha leglslatura last year for to-creasing tha stoo of tho auto building $800 Project at Ststs FhhHstdierjr Apitrorsd 1 An 800 projoct for hnprovo manta to the state fish hatohoiy at Dtvor-ion lake located to tha northoort eornar of Anhar eouabr ws proved by kseal WPA officials nasday and was seat to ton for final approval Tbo projoet will bo for mant of 18 man month toeordlag to Charias Martin dtotriet dlroctor 7373 2S TAXI SS 1 or Posoongtrs YELLOW CAB CO Todae Attractive AUTO LOAN PLAN i Forater Fiiuwce Company Ctootoraon Soy Bast by CnsiperissB Crab bnmodtatrty Confldtlrt Dopoadablo Servlco renter FinrS? -ForsterFinance ACompanj UCENH9I TO MARRT JaHaa KeV Ceaaty CM Reyaaldi aad Mr Oladyi Matlock Aaadatk Ok la mrw sum nun OsoCwtlt DtaUNS babel Detp letraehe Ceataaee Del distil hut loa at property Mr Mlad A Cnnrdus et vtr Mr Treses Lae cal aL debt aad tare- ulatlon and tho tending are snrollod But than an 10 to 65 par out do not attend ochooL goto a much available school tually attending county whan tho and tho A WORD ABOUT THE NEW IMAM COAT FASHIONS! Swaggers and Strollers aro exceedingly popular tha clmsate Princess aUhouotto is aV-woyc good testa end staplo modified Dolman slssvea aro now Smallar collars predominate Bolted models arc In demand See Our Display a Fine Fur and ExquWts Fabric Coatsl Ctty at RMstra Fenky debt A Chamhamw Lumber eampaay ta WlUiams at at debt sad VOGUE SAYS: INTO FALL IN A JACKET DRESS Block! Brawn! Oml mas! HaUdl SeOds! Checfcsl OUROFFER wM yet shock irt' yssv tilspsssl ssy Kras yes wtoh Yh css psf yser li efcrafs IJm far sr al toy If yse -'ft1 A hv ISSfNT'SSd sIsfs sskysslstisblsckssk lbs kssKb Ibsy erW r- IbsielBBS ss'rs ssal ls ysei AUTHORISED FORD DRALRRS OP npO obtala randertra proof A of tha BblUty aad canto aray cf atrachlt hncrimcry to try It set' Wowiaf- yoe talaaroforyoBnctf tho roaoiM why Pori V-STrocha ra popuhr nm araa who Uww vahM Wo wi v- yms to try It A 4 Yoewiniaiaowfroddus rattafoctloata tho Ford you wtn dtocovor aow drtriat 1 wrtrartaS tho aow aad tha aow hraho Yea win bo rarpriood atthocraoothpwlnrraanroaf tholMirampcwraoaStoYoa win of tbo roomy taontotad cato Bat above all you wU lad fs a 1 3 -y i v- (aRi f2195) fMdldi nd a "drain and ona" other now fashions ia tho sow MS fomlntaad Una Ton'll ora dresora drnpad with grains la tho Ginelaa Banner the Puaioat designs are- imper-v tant Motal trim aro gtamraom white and ooatiiuttag' triam very popular Bra mm worn foshtoao Mqi MOH THAN Vi AMHICA eMAT TEUCK VAlUS y2 i 1 s''' 4 S'- w- rS iv -rJ sv.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.