Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

NOVEMBER 29, 1921. WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS PACE THREE JUDGE ROGERS PROVES SELF STATISTICIAN Shows Kiwanians County Court at Law Has Done Business at Rate Better Than $10,000 Per Day. Court Well Up to Calendar, Tells Club; Formal Announcement of Kemp Day Made at Meeting. Tudge Guy Rogers, of the county court at law, qualified as the Roger W. Banson of county court statistres, br his comprehensive rep on the doings of his court during the 17 months or 408 days of its life in the mincipal talk to the Kiwanis club Monday noon at the Kenth hotel.

Better than Roger, however, the judge put a little humor into his "Statistics" (a word easy to spell but hard to pronounce) and even those who have paid fines in his court no doubt feel after his talk that perhaps his judgments are not SO bad after all. During the 17 months the county court at law, which was set up to relieve the strain on the original county court by trying all civil and criminal cases under county jurisdietion, has disposed of 1,054 civil cases out of 1,347 docketed, and his settled 932 criminal cases out of .046 brought up, Judge Parent, said. Have Even Consulting his note book again Judge Rogers remarked the statisties showed that a man being tried or criminal case had an even break. before his, court either on a civil Out of 932 criminal cases disposed of, he said, 470 were found guilty and given an verage fine of $56 and an average jail sentence of five days, fourteen hours, thirty-seven minutes thirty seconds in the county jail. The average daily business of his court, that is the average number of cases filed daily, come to 5.8 cases.

Out of these 5.8 cases filed each day, 4.9 cases are tried, he de lared. you see" the judge said, "I am keeping pretty close behind the business of the court." The total amount of money involved in the decisions of the court in civil cases during the life of the court, he said. comes to $351,333 which when $52,000 in attorney fees are added makes a total of $414,573. Money Involved. For the criminal side of the court, speaking in terms of financially, costs, etc.

a total of $43.740 has been involved in the life of the court, speaker said. The fines came to $16,380, he said, while the court costs made up $26,361 of the remainder. Entertainment for the program was given by. Klock Ryder, of tae LewisWorth Stock company with two delightful readings. Miss Worth was also a guest of the club and responded to an invitation to speak with a few words of appreciation for the invitation to be as a guest.

Harry Baum won $10 worth of stuff from his own store, offered by Leslie Martlew as the attendance prize. The silent boosts, cigars, were donated by Harry Naylor. Joe Stokes was chairman of the day. Following the luncheon the directors held a short business session arrange plans for "Kemp Day" to be given by the club December 12, as recently announced. DRS, HAMPSHIRE HOOVER Skin and Venereal 316-18-20-22 Bob Waggoner Building Phone 2619 Continuous From Midnight Wichita Finest Play Now Showing Monte Blue and Mary Thursman in A BROKEN DOLL PASSENGER MEN GATHER FOR SHOW Wichita Falls was an attractive point to district and traveling passenger agents for railroads with offices in Dallas and Fort Worth and Houston, Monday on account of the fact that the Sells-Floto circus disbanding here necessitated something like 150 people burins, transportation to points in and East.

These agents were on hand to urge the merits of their the routing respective of lines the to arrange actors, and other circus employes to their homes. Among the visiting railroad men in the city Monday were: F. A. Pennington, district passenger agent of the Southern Pacific with headquarters in Fort Worth: Fred Clark, trayeling passenger agent of the C. with headquarters in Dallas: Fred Jones, district passenger agent of the Illinois Central, with bendquarters in Houston: L.

J. Anderson, traveling passenger reent of the Pennsylvania Lines, with headquarters Dallas: Sidney King. traveling passenger agent of the Wabash, with headquarters in Dallas: A. C. Ater, of Monston, traveling passenger agent of the Santa Fe: Frank Rogerman, of Dallas, traveling passenger agent of the B.

0.: V. B. Oneal, traveling pas- senger agent of the Katy Dallas office. A special train of cireus employes will be run out of Wichita Falls to Saint Louis on the Katy Tuesday at 11 p. from Saint Louis the Data sengers will change for their respective homes, most of them in New York or Chicago, railroad o1 1 ficials say.

The arrangements for the specia! train are being made by V. B. Onenl, of Dallas, traveling passenger agent of the Katy, and H. 'G. Smith.

division freight and passenger ngent of this city. The special train will ear1' 6 cars and will 1'11 straight through to St. Louis, Mr. Smith said. News Notes For Masons W.

Y. Hammack, who is to be worshipful master of Faith lodge, A. F. and A. if a charter is obtained at the meeting of the Grand lodge this week at Waco, P.

B. Curd, L. I. Bennett. W.

J. Webb, T. D. Avis. Ed Bunnenberg and J.

R. Bachman, have announced their intention of attending the sessions of the school of the Grand Chapter. R. A. M.

and Grand Council which begins Tuesday at Waco. At the Grand lodge sessions which begin later in the week it is expected that Mr. Hammack and others, of the party who are to be members of the new lodge will present their petition asking a charter for Faith lodge. Sufficient members and a meeting place have been tentatively obtained for the new lodge and tensatire, the -fficers rew lodge elected. are Other expected mem- to go to Waco before the Grand lodge convenes.

EMPRESS LAST TIMES TODAY H. B. WARNER WE WERE 21" TAX ASSESSOR COMPLIMENTED ON 1921 ROLLS Complimenting the local office oll; the manner in which the work was done due notice was received Monday by Irvin Deaton, county tax assessor from the state department rotifring him that the count; tax rolls for the current year had been approved by the state department at Austin. The rolls were sent to Austin a AgO, The early appreval was unexpected, In the which over 75 million dollars only one minor error in the poll maxes the amount being less than $15 was detected in the check made by the state department. Texas Briefs AUSTIN.

Nov. 28. -Enrique Razo. the young Chilean conviet who played on his violin before Governor Neff and his party while they were inspecting the prisons last week. 1 will receive his in time to be at his home in pardon, P'aso on Christmas das.

Governor Neff announced today. DALLAS. Nov. 11. Jones of Celeste, arrested here charged with seven cases of swindling aggregating $11,000, was released on bond 000 in each case today.

A. F. Felder, cotton broker, prosecuting witness. No details were announced and examining trial has not been set. STEPHENVILLE.

Nov. F. Anderson, oil man, was seized by bandits last night between Desdemona and Lingleville and robbed of jewelry valued at $3,200. The bandits escaped. FORT WORTH.

Nov. Ben and Sam Saied. brothers, and former merchants at Caddo. Stephens counfined $500 and given ninety days in jail each, in federal court here this afternoon for violating the national bankruptey laws by concealing assets. FORT Nov.

D. Masters of Scurry. Texas, was badly burned probably fatally, when the Harper house at Post. Texas, was destroyed by fire late Sunday. AUSTIN.

Nov. fifty Wichita Theatre -A crazy man is a dangerous character to put on the stage. But you'll love "Boney" the harmless lunatic in this play. He i is altogether delightful and completely lovable. See this nut in THE MISLEADING LADY TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK BARGAIN MATINEE TOMORROW CASCARETS For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you bave Dizzy Headaches, Colds, Diliousness, Indigestion, or set.

Acid Stomach is candy-like carets." One Or two tonight will empty your bowels completely by morning, and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets Say It With Die" -This will be a practical Christmas. Furniture, though essential to the home, is nevertheless a pleasing gift. TRADE DAY VISITORS are especially urged to visit Wichita Falls' newest, greatest value-giving furniture store.

Why We Sell For Less -We are out of the high rent district. Our lease was negotiated during the dullest part of the financial lull, not during the The proprietors constitute the "force." No large over read expense to high-salaried clerks. -We have adopted the policy that it is better to realize a small profit on a large volume of business rather than vice versa. "It Doesn't Cost to Look--Come in" CARLTON FURNITURE CO. 819 TENTH ST.

PHONE 2666 eight pardons granted by Governor Neft during his inspection trip of the prisons last week were granted solely on merit and record of the prisoners while at the penitentiary, with one or two exceptions, the governor said today in talking to news papermen about his trip. AUSTIN, Nov. caused by the explosion of a petroleum testing machine this afternoon did several thousand dollars worth of damage to one of the wooden shacks on the ei Texas campus occupied br the chemistry department. Quick work by firemen cheeked the spread of the flames to two large wooden structures pea be which for a time were threatened. BEAUMONT.

Nor. 28 -The names of Mayor Steinhagen. City Manager Roark and of a score of prominent local Women, rastor and attorneys. were signed to telegram sent the state board of control today urging to necept the resignation of Superintendent King the Gatesville training school. M'KINNEY, Nov.

28. Robert Steele, is dead here from injuries received Saturday when a dynamite can exploded is his mouth, He had been blowing out tree stumps on farm near Princeton and was clamp. ing the can to the dynamite fuse by means of his teeth. TEXARKANA. Nov.

eating wasp nests. man who NayS he is John Zink of St. Louis, was found today under A bridge near death from starvation. He said he had been ungl to obtain sufficient food by begging. He was turned over to fi charitable institution.

FATHRER OF COX DIES 1 Preen. DAYTON. Ohio, Nov. Cox. 88.

father of Former Governor James M. Cox. died last night at his home in Camden, Ohio, after a tracted illness, METCALFE RESIGNS AS SURVEYOR The county commissioners court Monday accepted the resignation of J. D. Metealfe as county surveyor to take effect December 1.

Mr. Metcalfe resigned in order to accept an offer as county engineer of Frio county. The county is about to start an improved highway program. Mr. Metealfe bad held the position of counts surveyor during the Inst year.

He has been doing civil en gineering work here since 1018. Mr. Metealfe's successor's will probably be appointed by the commissioners court next Monday. Don't forget to see our bargains in used cars this week. down.

Nolen-Stringer Company. ---Adv. TODAY TODAY GEM WALLACE REID of the U.S. OLYMPI PARAMOUNT AND REALART PICTURES LAST TIMES TODAY Douglas McLean LATEST COMEDY "PASSING THRU!" and you can get it if you will just follow a definite -You want your share of prosperity in this world Your Share of Prosperity 00.000 plan of saving money and making regular use of the co-operation of this bank in the upbuilding of your business and financial affairs. -Our membership in the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM with its nation-wide connections and resources of over Five Billion Dollars enables us to serve customers in the most helpful manner.

Come in and let us assist in building your success. CITY NATIONAL BANK of COMMERCE EIGHTH SCOTT WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVES SYSTEM 84 Sacrifice Prices -During the Great Stock Reducing Sale that defies all competition--Everything Reduced. -We do not speak boastfully but this sale has brought us the biggest business we have had in the history of our business in Wichita Falls. There must be a reason. TODAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS Children's Beaver Hats $2.98 Infant's all-wool knit suits, cap, pants, coats.

White, blue. red $5.00 11 yards quilt check ginghams. 98c Ladies' Dresses, values up to $29.50. This sale $19.85 Infants' $1.50 Baby 98c 11 yards Bleached 98c -A few more of those $5.00 and $10.00 Ladies' Coats left. Blankets and Comforts sacrificed during this sale.

Folks we are growing because of better values. We always sell for less. RICHARDSONS American National Entrances 01 St Bank Building BARGAIN BASEDIENT PHONE 3005 The Ladies and Childrens Shop AR HEN This Is Used Car Week at Nolen-Stringer Company's -Any used car in the house down, balance four to eight months. Low prices this week on almost any kind of used car you want. Tenth at Scott Phone 6409 Choice Cuts -and Others A few months ago a newspaper man visited one of the wholesale markets of Swift Company.

He wanted to see a retailer buy a short loin of beef and then watch the We get about as retailer sell the portermuch wholesale house and sirloin steaks for one pound. of Short Loin as we do, from it over his counter. for four He thought this would of Chuck, make a good story. The head of the market took the reporter into the "cooler" where he A Porterhouse showed him a high class side of beef. With a wooden skewer he marked off the short loin and said, "That is only 8 per Chuck cent of the weight of the whole side and it is selling, for four times as much 89 this piece (and he marked off the which is about one -fourth of the side of beef)." The wide variation in the wholesale price of various cuts from the same side of beef is caused largely by demand for the so-called choicer cuts.

The others are, of course, just as wholesome. It seems as though more people than ever are demanding choicer cuts, and their demand sets the price If few people ask for the forequarter cuts, the price of forequarters will automatically drop to a figure low. enough to induce people to buy because of cheapness, Even though certain cuts sell for relatively high prices, other cuts, due to lack of demand, sell so low that our profit from all sources over a period of five years averaged only a fraction of a cent a pound. It is competition between consumers for the choice cuts that keeps prices for those cuts relatively high; an equalizing demand for all parts of the carcass would benefit producer, packer, retailer and consumer. Our average wholesale selling price of all products has fallen about 40 per cent since September 1920.

Swift Company, U.S. A. Wichita Falls Local Branch E. W. Wade, Manager.

Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


Who is famous from Wichita Falls Texas? ›

  • Christiane Seidel. Actress. Producer. ...
  • Phyllis Coates. Actress. Additional Crew Superman and the Mole-Men (1951) ...
  • Dave Willis. Writer. Actor. ...
  • Rob Bowman. Producer. Director. ...
  • Tommy Tune. Actor. Additional Crew. ...
  • Shaunie O'Neal. Producer. Writer. ...
  • Frances Reid. Actress Days of Our Lives (1965–2007) ...
  • Roberta Haynes. Actress.

How do I contact times record news in Wichita Falls? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-844-331-9993 or chat online here.

What is the record high in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

117 degrees in Wichita Falls — June 28, 1980.

Why is it called Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Founded in 1876, it was named for the Wichita Indians and the low-water river falls that existed there until 1886, when they were washed away by a flood.

What is the nickname for Wichita Falls TX? ›

By the 1950's Wichita Falls carried the nickname of "Factory City," for having over 100 manufacturing companies, 127 wholesale outlets and 741 retail stores.It wasn't all work for Wichitans, though, as early as 1909, area citizens enjoyed movies, vaudeville acts, live theatre and concerts at the Wichita Opera House, ...

Where did Kirstie Alley live in Wichita? ›

In 2018, she purchased a 6,000 square-foot mansion in the historic Wichita neighborhood of College Hill for $1.5 million. The home has six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a pool, a guest house, and other luxurious amenities.

Who owns Wichita Falls Times Record news? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I contact a local news reporter? ›

Contact a specific reporter using email or social media.

Alternatively, search the reporter's name on Facebook or Twitter to see if they have any social media accounts. If they do, send them a private message to tell them about your story. Reporters often maintain social media accounts to promote their stories.

What is the name of the newspaper in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Wichita Falls Times-Record-News Home Page.

What is the hottest town in Texas? ›

The hottest place in Texas

Rio Grande Village, on the northern banks of the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, not only is the hottest spot in Texas over the past 10 years, but 2023 has been its hottest year on record as average highs have reached an astonishing 110.7 degrees in the past few months.

What is the coldest day in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Wichita Falls – 12 below zero, set in 1947.

How many people died in the Wichita Falls tornado? ›

Of all the cities in Texoma, however, Wichita Falls was hit the hardest. A massive tornado, with an F4 rating on the Fujita scale with wind speeds reaching over 250 miles per hour, leveled a large section of the city, claiming more than 40 lives and injuring over 1,700 people.

What is the crime rate in Wichita Falls, Texas? ›

Wichita Falls Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4933,003
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.8029.25

Is Wichita Falls, TX a good place to live? ›

Wichita Falls is a city in Texas with a population of 102,482. Wichita Falls is in Wichita County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Wichita Falls offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Wichita Falls there are a lot of bars and parks.

What is the race population in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Wichita Falls Demographics
  • White: 72.26%
  • Black or African American: 12.45%
  • Two or more races: 8.15%
  • Other race: 3.5%
  • Asian: 2.74%
  • Native American: 0.76%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.14%

What is special about Wichita Falls? ›

A thriving arts scene, fun annual events, beautiful historic architecture, and gorgeous parks can be found in the dynamic city of Wichita Falls.

Who were the two founding fathers of Wichita Falls? ›

This connection ensured the existence of Wichita Falls, which adopted the date of the arrival of the first train, September 26, 1882, as its birthday. Additional railroad-building activity resulted, in large measure, from the efforts of two Wichita Falls businessmen, Joseph A. Kemp and Frank Kell.

Does Wichita have a sister city? ›

Wichita and Kaifeng, China have been Sister Cities for 38 years! To celebrate, WAM is hosting an exhibition of objects from Kaifeng including embroidery, porcelain tea sets, and woodcut prints. Wichita Area Sister Cities is dedicated to fostering cultural connections between Wichita and communities around the world.

Did Elvis play in Wichita KS? ›

CONCERT DATE: December 27, 1976 (8:30 pm). Wichita, KS.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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