Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

to TWELVE WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921. M'DOWELL IS INDICTED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT Eleven Counts in Indictment of Former Local Merchant and One Time Head of Graham Bank. Total of 40 Indictments Reached by Federal Grand Jury With Final Report to Judge Grubb. Charged in eleven counta with hav ing embezzled funds totaling $09, 900 from the Graham National Bank of Graham, Texas, of which he was for a time president, Frank McDowell, former proprietor of the MeDowell store of this city, was among those indicted the grand jury of the Northern Federal Distaret court according to its final report made Friday morning to Judge Grubb. 'The final report carried 25 indictments, making a total of 40 for the session.

W. R. Lockett, local railroad man, was indicted for the alleged theft ol 82,500 pounds of wheat from an inshipment from Frederick, Oklahoma to this city. The theft occurred over a year and a half AgO and one conviction in federal court has already resulted in with the case, "Dr." Walter Yeary, physician of Burkburnett, arrested several weeks ago by federal officers, was indicted for giving prescriptions for, morphine in alleged violation of the federal restrictions. W.

0. Nelson, who was also a resident of this city, was indicted jointly with Frank McDowell OD the embezzlement charges the specific charge being that he aided the latter in the misappropriation of the bank's fund. The eleven counts returned against the two cite eleven instances in which McDowell is alleged to have appropriated bank funds to his use during January, February and March of this year. McDowell arrested several months ago and is now out on bond. Following the list of made public from the report of the grand, jury Jackson, Friday: maintaining a house to.

sell Kelly, liquor; receiving G. and Allen concealing and J. a ed acrosa the state line; Dunstolen automobile that was, transportnam, transporting a automobile interstate; Jess Williams, possessing and selling morphine; Dan MeGan, possessing and selling morphine: Tom Barker, possessing and selling morphine; J. D. Less, possessing and morphine; Tom Jones, possessing and selling morphine; A.

G. Atnip, forgery of a United States money order of the value of George W. Tatum, of the white slave M. receiving and concealing property YESTERDAY WHEN THEY SHOPPED- THEY WALKED ALL ABOUT LOOKING FOR WHAT THEY WISHED TO TODAY WE LOOK IN AT THE THE NEWSPAPERS FoR WHAT WE WISH TO Cotta stolen from interstate shipments; W. R.

Lockett, theft of an interstate shipment consisting of 85,200 pounds of wheat. KELL TO GO TO BYERS ON RAIL PROJECT Frank Kell will go to Byers some time during the coming week for another conference there with Byers people in connection with the projected rail line to connect th' city with Waurika, it was decided Friday nt: 2 conference in which George W. Byers represented the people, of Byers. work progressing 011 the alternative troute to run north of the in case Byers line Wichita Valley or negotiations for, they purchase of the negotiations with the business men at Byers are not successfully concluded Kell said. CHRISTMAS TREES.

The car of Douglas firs has atrived and they're very beautiful. Call as soon as possible and select yours. We are open evenings till 9:30. MORGAN'S Ohio Phone 2528 A BOX OF CANDY FROM HERE MEETS EVERY REQUIREMENT OF A GIFT Nothing you could give will find a heartier welcome, or be more genuinely appreciated. A box of Christmas candy is its own guarantee of cheer, of pleasure, of happiness.

If somebody else duplicates it, just that much is added to the joys of the gift. Box selections to suit every taste and every pocketbook. Central Drug Stove INDIANA AT NINTH I REXALL STORE PHONE 3867 Foch Sends Adieu By Wireless As Boat Draws Away By Associated Press. INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. Marshal Foch, who is homeward bound for France aboard the steamship Paris, sent the following wireless message to the national headquarters of the American Legion here today "In drawing away from the American continent, I do not forget the faithful friends whom leave and especially the comrades of the American Legion whose attentative care and unforgetable devotion have made my voyage so easy and agreeable.

I desire to assure them once more of my attehament and to send them my thanks." Mrs. Wilson to Appeal Verdict Of Manslaughter By Associated Press. WINFIELD. Dec. Mrs.

Grace Wilson of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, found guilty by a district court here today of manslaughter in the third degree in connection with the death 'of her husband, Homer Wilson, who was shot to death near more than a year ago, continue her fight for freedom through an appeal from today's verdict, it was announced tonight. Guaranteed Phonographs on easy terms. North Texas Furniture Co. -Adv. Newsboys to Have Organization; To Be Formed Next Tuesday Night The newsboys of the city and all young boys of the city 1 who are employed are to have a regular newsboys organization patterned after the plan of organization used in many of the larger cities of the United States.

Mrs. C. Joline, local real estate owner who has herself in 'interested the work has been appointed chairman of a committee which will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the of the Chamber of Commerce. All who are interested in organization are requested to attend the meeting at that time, "The purpose of the meeting is to organize and place on a business basis an organization for newsboys and all young boys who are employed, Hubert Harrison, general manager of the Chamber of Commerce said Friday in announcing the meeting. Lutheran Sunday School to Hold Final Rehearsal The Sunday, school of the Lutheran Trinity church will meet Sunday noon at 3 o'clock for final rehearsals of the Christmas eve program to be given at the church December 24 at 8 p.

m. All children who wish to partake are requested to be present. The Sunday morning services which will be held at 10:30 o'clock will be conducted as usual in the German language and Sunday school will be held at 9:30 a. m. 40 free Gifts are given AWAy at each Sale during Roberts Co's.

Auction Sale, 722 Ohio Open Evenings to 9 o'Clock Until Christmas Bargains in Every Department UNITED BARGAIN BAsem*nT The One Cent to One Hundred Dollar Stores LADIES AND CHILDRENS SHOP 10th INDIANA UNDER KIMBERLIN'S Phone 2009 Paul Ray, Mgr. "Un-Heard-of and Un-Believable Prices on Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware! Just five minutes of your time then you will be fully convinced As an old established Diamond and Jewelry concern, we believe that our past recGIFT SUGGESTIONS ords have proven to our customers and friends in Wichita county, that we deserve GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN your holiday businessFOR WOMEN -Watches, Watch Charms, Fobs Vestergrama (made to order), Traveling Clocks -n- -Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases and Cigar Cases -Gold and Silver Cigar Cutters, Key Rings and Chains Do We -Pearls, genuine or and Silver Match Boxes, Pencils, Pens and -Diamond Rings, Brooches, Bar Pins, Lavalliers, Ear "Why Deserve reproduced Card Cases Screws, Bracelets and Cameo Brooches -Gold and Silver Pencils and Fountains Pens (in sets) Your Business?" -Gold Mesh Bags, Silver Mesh Bags, Vanities, Dorines, -Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases and Match Box Seta Picture Frames, Miniatures and Silver Spectacle Cases -Full Dress Shirt Sets -Gold Tie Clasps First We sincerely believe that we have the finest stock of Gems, Diamonds, -Novelty Glass Enameled Top Perfume Bottles, -Gold and Platinum Top Diamond Cuff Links and Bronze and Ivory Statuettes. Diamond Scarf Ping Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass in the Southwest. -Diamond Studs -Novelty Silk 14-Karat Trimmed Bags and Vanities, -Diamond Rings, Platinum and in Gold Silk and Leather Bags and Beaded Bags, ---Gents' Cameo Stone Rings our way we our -Leather and Cane or Wicker Fitted Sewing and -Diamond Emblem Rings Second We please customers. That's the only have them leave -Thirty-Second Degree Charms, Elks' and K.

of C. Manicure Sets, Leather Bridge Sets, First Aid Charms, De Molay Emblems store. Leather Picture Holders and Cases, Jewel Cases, -Emblem Buttons -Fitted Traveling Bags, Tortoise and Ivory Frames, Memorandum Books, Diaries, etc. -Suit -Leather Cases Bill and Folds, Bags Gold Mounted Third--Our reputation for "Quality" and fair trading methods are known by all -Sterling Silver Toilet Sets. -Leather -Sterling and Cigarette Gold and Belt Cigar Buckles the people.

-Leather Fitted Overnight Bags and Hand Bags. -Whisky Flasks, Sterling and Mounted -Sterling Silver Brush and Comb Sets -Ladies' Fountain Pens and Pencil Sets. -Desk ---Gents' Shears Jewelry and Cases Openers Fourth-If you buy an article for $1.00 or $5,000.00 in our store you get the -Boudoir Clocks, Enameled or Leather Cases. -Bronze -Bronze Book Desk Sets Ends "REAL ART SERVICE." -Sterling Silver Service--Flat Ware Vases, Baskets, -Leather Tie and Soft Collar Holders Bowls, etc. Backed Clothes Brush -Folding Leather Picture Frames Fifth-Our goods are bought at "ROCK BOTTOM PRICES." therefore we can -China Dinner Service.

--Cigar and Cigarette Boxes -Sterling Ash Trays sell them at "ROCK BOTTOM PRICES." -Gold Band Glass, Sherbet, Goblets and Tumblers. -Sterling Match Stands and Ash Trays -Desk Calendars -A very extensive selection of Sheffield Ware, Clocks, -Cigar and Cigarette Stands in Dutch, Sterling and Hall, Mirrored Wall and Mantel, Wrist Watches Bronze TO YOU," WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means in Gold Platinum. Guarantee or "ALL" when you buy "DIAMONDS and JEWELRY." ART JEWELRY RY COMPANY NY "OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE FIRM." Located at N. E. Corner Indiana Ave.

at Eighth Where "Gems and Gold" Are Fairly Sold Wichita Falls, Texas JUST ONE RESOLUTION FOR NEXT YEAR The start of another year is not far distant. Make it a saving year. The past year has shown in more ways than we need to mention, the importance of consistent saving. A small amount will start you. Make that one big resolution--and stick to it.

The First National Bank Indiana at 8th Est. 1884 The Convenient Bank Floral Heights Presbyterians Organize Sunday Completion of the organization of the Floral Heights Presbyterian church will be made Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Dr. N. F. Grafton pastor of the First Presbyterian church, at the Floral Heights church.

The new organization will have object the development of religious work in that section of Floral Heights and those desiring to become members of the ngregation are requested to be present at the hour announced. Aggie Quintet Wallops Sam Houston Five By Associated Press. COLLEGE STATION, Texas, Dec. 16. The Texas A.

M. basketball team defeated the Sam Houston Normal Quintet here Friday by the score of 37 to 17. Ehlert. Darby, Dwyer and Hartung starred for the Aggies squad while Vick played well for the Normalites. "We have found that there is need of such an organization with work to be done along several lines.

At the Tuesday meeting Mr. Harrison said of financing the organization meania be discussed with a probability that, some final plan would be adopted. Several men and women have announced their intention of taking an active interest in the propesed organization. believe that a club among newsboys can do 818 much good as any organization in the city, said J. P.

Jones, who 38 judge of the county court also acts as judge of juvenile work. Both he and R. L. Yates, county juvenile officer have expressed their approval of an organization for young employed boys as being of great assistance in handling the juvenile work of the county. Neff to Attend Celebration of Austin Normal By Associated Press.

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. Neff and his secretary, R. B. Walthall, left tonight for Nacogdoches to attend a celebration there tomorrow of the legislature's appropriating money with which to start actual work on the Stephen F. Austin Normal, established there by the thirty-fifth legislature.

This is the governor's first trip to the former home of his secretary since his inaugCuration. Wife of Local Attorney Dies Mrs. James A. Hankerson, wile of James A. Hankerson, attorney of the firm Weeks, Morrow Francis, died Friday evening, December 15, a about 6 o'clock following an operation about seven days previous.

The body is now held at Hines Undertaking parlors. Funeral services will be held at the family residence, 1808 Grant street, at 3:30 D. m. Sunday, December 18, giving time for relatives to reach this place from Illinois, Indiana and Kansas. The funeral will be conducted by the Reverened N.

F. Grafton and burial will be at Rosemont cemetery. Mrs. Hankerson leaves a husband and five children, the eldest being 10 years and the youngest three months of age, four girls and one boy and also her mother and father and several brothers and sisters..

Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


Who is famous from Wichita Falls Texas? ›

  • Christiane Seidel. Actress. Producer. ...
  • Phyllis Coates. Actress. Additional Crew Superman and the Mole-Men (1951) ...
  • Dave Willis. Writer. Actor. ...
  • Rob Bowman. Producer. Director. ...
  • Tommy Tune. Actor. Additional Crew. ...
  • Shaunie O'Neal. Producer. Writer. ...
  • Frances Reid. Actress Days of Our Lives (1965–2007) ...
  • Roberta Haynes. Actress.

How do I contact times record news in Wichita Falls? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-844-331-9993 or chat online here.

What is the record high in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

117 degrees in Wichita Falls — June 28, 1980.

Why is it called Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Founded in 1876, it was named for the Wichita Indians and the low-water river falls that existed there until 1886, when they were washed away by a flood.

What is the nickname for Wichita Falls TX? ›

By the 1950's Wichita Falls carried the nickname of "Factory City," for having over 100 manufacturing companies, 127 wholesale outlets and 741 retail stores.It wasn't all work for Wichitans, though, as early as 1909, area citizens enjoyed movies, vaudeville acts, live theatre and concerts at the Wichita Opera House, ...

Where did Kirstie Alley live in Wichita? ›

In 2018, she purchased a 6,000 square-foot mansion in the historic Wichita neighborhood of College Hill for $1.5 million. The home has six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a pool, a guest house, and other luxurious amenities.

What is the hottest town in Texas? ›

The hottest place in Texas

Rio Grande Village, on the northern banks of the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, not only is the hottest spot in Texas over the past 10 years, but 2023 has been its hottest year on record as average highs have reached an astonishing 110.7 degrees in the past few months.

What is the coldest day in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

Wichita Falls – 12 below zero, set in 1947.

How many people died in the Wichita Falls tornado? ›

Of all the cities in Texoma, however, Wichita Falls was hit the hardest. A massive tornado, with an F4 rating on the Fujita scale with wind speeds reaching over 250 miles per hour, leveled a large section of the city, claiming more than 40 lives and injuring over 1,700 people.

What is the crime rate in Wichita Falls, Texas? ›

Wichita Falls Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4933,003
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.8029.25

What is special about Wichita Falls? ›

A thriving arts scene, fun annual events, beautiful historic architecture, and gorgeous parks can be found in the dynamic city of Wichita Falls.

Is Wichita Falls, TX a good place to live? ›

Wichita Falls is a city in Texas with a population of 102,482. Wichita Falls is in Wichita County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Wichita Falls offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Wichita Falls there are a lot of bars and parks.

Who were the two founding fathers of Wichita Falls? ›

This connection ensured the existence of Wichita Falls, which adopted the date of the arrival of the first train, September 26, 1882, as its birthday. Additional railroad-building activity resulted, in large measure, from the efforts of two Wichita Falls businessmen, Joseph A. Kemp and Frank Kell.

Does Wichita have a sister city? ›

Wichita and Kaifeng, China have been Sister Cities for 38 years! To celebrate, WAM is hosting an exhibition of objects from Kaifeng including embroidery, porcelain tea sets, and woodcut prints. Wichita Area Sister Cities is dedicated to fostering cultural connections between Wichita and communities around the world.

Did Elvis play in Wichita KS? ›

CONCERT DATE: December 27, 1976 (8:30 pm). Wichita, KS.


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.