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- Times Record Newsi
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WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS SCIENCE IS DRIVING EVIL SPIRIT "POLLY" FROM BRAIN GERMAN POTASH YEARLY OUTPUT TELLS OWN STORY BadFoerster Jo Star at Rotary Meet NEW TRIAL IS GRANTED FOR AWNING CASE of licriuMiiy'o i attrihuiL-il nicaiurr in the emniiriiibn rcultiug from tho oiiui-ition bv Aleace-Iiorraine of tha important uefmsira under the term of tin treaty of Y'rrsailir I hiring RCO out of a total prnductiun in Ihe A lea if tainr of UKttlftT metric tana of potash ealt 4rliuVk tons wero euid to France H27JCI0 tona to tho linlte-l State 17 (hat too to Belgium ami IKMMIO ions to England Furthermore tha firmer pre-war market in Poised ami through to the East ha been ent off by reason of pnlitiral an econmnie condition in that quarter Of the total German production of 4434261 tons of poteh salts during the first ait month of Itrjt there wa a yield of 233M31 ton of ear uallife iJCJHJCd) ton of kninit and WIS32 ou of sylyenite If you eontint fled Jut tko Quail or I Mick Id ee v-' hay ii S23 turlrie tuna or lUTJfTJ tnue uf pure poladi Tke ealtfs from this vrixluctwn daring the nemo period according tu Ik silicate aitHinutnl DSUCtl lus potash salt or inn ef pur pnta-b The diffrrenre Imp tares the figures -of production and thane of ealra ia due Ihv to- of weight undergone tn tar pruma of Working up Moat of the ealr lH dOSjill Inna of anil ee KCMM pm of pur potash 1 were made In the ibmmtie market Tho rvmainiHr Iona of mIM or XV332 ton- of sura pufaehh was sold In relatively aatl quant ities as eoninaroil with hefnr tho war tn the Netherlands England Austria Italy and Spain During Ilia isae Germany prudueeil lljNtliin metric tm of peta-k Mil of which tons re mid whilo tales of pure potash amounted to 11231113 metric ton law of Foreign Market The Inn of foreign market which before the wag alien rhed 4(1 per cent BASCOM IIMDONA By Kerord-Naws Special I'erropeedewt WASHINGTON I Drc Amhlaat Trade ftammisriuacr Wil Uam Daugherty a- Rerlia in sent to the Ibpartmcnt of Ciawm report on German fwitarii production Tho report will be eeprrblly InlcrcKt-lug ia Texaa where pntaeh hnl have been discovered in tho wrutern and Panhandle portion of tho State and tho development of which depend in a brae measure on what Gmusuy'e putah future to hr The German IHitaeh Syndirete hue Issued figures In its seisi-asnual statement pbeieg Germany' pro-durtfon of pntush salt during the tint six month of 1B21 at 4454 2l I Bud Foerster and Ma la the "enmnilaeiry" department of lor Kama hotel promise to ba the real start of toiler's Rotary luncheon when the dub will attempt to slake per cent" meeting the advance dope bring to the effort that Bud has prepared a ml treat one calculated to 0iea thy' even of the most bard boiled of the nbrlww other fcaturea will be the classification talk by Bill Gamble iave hr the Rotary quartette sad a scenario Tom Hergin rest in the rule of the vil-linn" DOC STRONG IS ONE OF CAST IN LEGION MINSTREL Jiilp TV A Martin of the Mill district court Wnlnniltjr jrar ed new trial in the of ri anaiiwt Kant l4bnnn'C Parker ike Rergebwkg and ether Indi ana otrwt property owner between Eixth and Seventh etreeta involved in the rear which grew out of the falling of an awning in front of their lniiertiea la Friirnar? following weary enow etorm Ilarria one of the men injured when tlie awning rraehrd to the etrret tin drought enit againat I ha proiierty verneru for $20tKl damage A trial in the With district court recently remitted In- a jury renlirt 'or the de-fendanta after a hlttHy contested trial Judge Martin in eutaining the motion fur a new trial aaid that he had nut been anliefied In the firef trial lie raid that he believed that bnd erred in an me of the Imum anhmit-ted to the jury and that the rinding of the jury on eotne of the iiee waa nut eiippurleil by the eridonee preocut-ed in Ihe rare COURTNOTES RUTS FILED MMh District Court Exchange National Hank re 0 Monroe tit-ht I- Trngg et el Rend-riirn debt Wileon Machine company re Thrift Ifvilraiilic feeing Pulling minpany debt iV Iluiiiiuinr re Rkeiiy Oil company damagea County Court at law Firt National bank re Jolin Dixon et el debt pretty high aches! mis her ae-ten teem te he guide by her angel She la normal bright haalthy viva-aleua quick at bar todies and everything tfict girl ef nineteen exuectsd to be wnan suddenly aha It vert apparently -wHheuf back to her ghild-head day her mind seems ebseteed with- aii avll apirit -that makea herun rvly destructive and Mile" The straggle pf hart twa aeule tor mastery la toeelnatlng Klefitleta Men 9s Suits The personality" of "Folly" boinc driven alowly but uraly from tho brain of Boro-nice Redick Cleveland (X rlri by science The eaaa of the moat amaa- fiumlahing one Beraalca Redick authorities intereeted in It Miea Redick nineteen waa eompbting her adneation when tha otter per-aonality began fighting Sor control in her brain Several times a day ate wtonld fall under the control of thia second personality and babbla and reeiit dbcipHf lib a child of four Now according to word from Columbus Dr Henry Goddard of tha Ohio bureau of Jnvenilo research by resorting to hypnotism has succeeded in reducing the vbits of thia epirit which anawera to the name of parehologh unala necording to modleal AC! IONS Federal District Court YV I CltrilH Judge Rcvcral criminal caiee tried News Notes For Masons Find Two Men Guilty of Sale Of Narcotics and to lire in 'YYichitn Fell te whom a pair of new shoes would be not only a splendid gift but puMiibly keep away danger of pneumonia or other surWiue illness according to local Mhriner Members of Meskat Temple aak (hat ail nobles who hero useil clothing or donation of any amount ho cun make to the cause cell at the office of Ueconler Frit and leave their giftH Of Newer Models and Patterns for Holiday Wear last week of the month brings us our two big holiday occasions Most of us go visiting celebrating- or back to see the home folks want a spic and span new something both dressy and serviceable These are mid-season styles While very fine very $4000 values at $2800 $5000 values at $3800 $6000 values at $4800 Thera must be no barefoot kiddie in YVicliita Fall after Bsnta Clans makes his annual visit here i the declaration of Winner backing the campaign for fund with whirh to spread Christina cheer At least 200 kiddie are ratlin Ini Rusiness Iuneb 40c Tm-Feyett Adr DOC HIBSELF Due Strong one of the popular blackface end men may be seen here hie YVilliam and Alary bell bop uniform llie hand la here extended in a familiar manner and as If expecting something It thought that this picture of Due's wee made during the bourn but he vows he can pruve by his mother-in-law that it was not However hb friends will ba glad to see Doc doing so well Tho black face comedian hue a nightengnle-like voice end many heart will go back to days of yore when he emga Love Sly Gnl if She is a Moonshiner's Danghter Mtlll" Doe has been working faithfully for the past thirty days on soma of the very beet hen coop jokes ever pulled from a chicken yen and be assured declare hie co-artiata when he telle hb stories (warning yon should provide thysdf with padlock on yo hen bouses) Reserved seats were placed on sale yesterday at Tlptona Drag store end the sab waa reported es recording nuking according to announcement No reserved neats for the matinee has been planned aa yet The first come first served system will be need SERVE FRESH for every meal The Flavor is Baked in Jen YVilliam and Ie two widely known character in this city Wednesday were found guilty of violating the federal narcotic act by in federal conn now in session here YViiliama we given thirteen montli end Lee two years in the federal penitentiary at Fort Iavenwurlh Kansas by Judge YV I Grubb after the verdict were annniim-ed The two mm were charged both with tha possession snd sale of narcotics in vuilatiim of tho federal law The men were arrested recently by police officers who were the principal wit-nenaes for the government in the prosecution of the two cases Why a Whit tn Inevitable time? Eventually yon must buy a burial lot There ate no expenses on used or unused lout in Rosemont Burial Park Phone Adv plena accepted complete report carried elsewhere in tin iasue HMb District Court 1 MARTIN Judge IV Tl Ilarria ra Haul Leheimon ft hi ilnuuigea new trial grunted County Cntirt at law OCX ROGERM Judge Tdllie Morgan va Vamn debt Judament for plaintiff Dr Garrieon ra Dr debt Judgment far plaintiff -S Johnann et ul va Mark Klied-en debt judgment for plaintiff If Robbins disturbing the pence $2335 YV Dnvis and A Oiffcy traffic violation FJatr -Marriage IJreusea IV Brunson and Myr'le Clark A Real Estate Transfers It 11 Siller to flinrlrs and Burn lot 8 end )uirt of lot II of the Miller enhdivhiinif of the Tlioina IT Garner surrey: StNIO Kleinpet-rr and wife to Harry Kink lots 11 12 14 and 13 in block SI of Iowa Park: SlINNI IV IV Anderson et al to IV Anderson lot 0 in liinek 46 of tke Southland addition KIJMKI Bert Driver to Frederick Thompson lots 2ti anil IS in block A anil hit 17 in block of the Sibley Taylor addition tl and other ennaidrrations losses and Assignments II llnltxen and wife to Magnolia Petroleum company 130 seres out of the I loll sen tract $10 end other considerations Hosiery lluy Bread ef your Grorer Always a bound-to-please se- lection for a holiday gift to a man show you some very pleasing new colors new weaves new patterns in silk wool or lisle IT TAKES SAUL TO DO IT 1260 Doz Embroidered and Initialed Handkerchiefs On sale today all day at per dozen A CHARITY" IIKOADKR THAN DOGMAS OR CREEDS little tots in dire distrera Nothing in life but weerinem victim waifs of tho street Dragging along with tired feet Hick nnd wan from hunger and cold You seem outcast from the fold Rut hm you sink on the street to rest Y'isions of lure and tenderness Over the little eyelids creep And eormws flee from the realm of sleep the Father of Imre your slumbers hies In dreams of Christian happiness Mny some kind heart eltanee to pais flint way And stirred by the holy Christmas Day Touched by the Master's generous hand Impelled by his sort and eweet command the belies to earns to And if ever biessnl your life would be Take pity on them not in words but deeds In a charity broader than dogmas or creeds" KEMP Cohen Dalle' Upperhenck BpringficliL Dare Wilson Dallas Henry Lindsley Dalle 8 Touchstone Dalle Kherrod McNeil Dalis Jack Laughridge Dali a A Fiend New York YV Ruff Dallas YVannamaker Dallas Kennedy city Dooley Fort Worth Helen Johnson Dalle Johnson Dallas Bam Acton Dallaa Herman Dreitenbach Cincinnati Charles and wife Oklahoma City Cafferty and wife Elect ra Bartley Fort Worth (4 A Lewis Kansas City II TerwiUiger Houston i CL Baku Fort Worth Brom Ridley Houston Rice Muskoge 0 Ward Denver Janes Oklahoma City David YY'eiss Ranger James Dari Ismvenworth II Vogul Fort YVorth Alyeracougb city Kirwley Fort Worth A YV Jones Fort Worth Beavera Graham YY'yman Quanab Orowden Quanah Gougina Fort Worth Rotleman Ardmore Frml Liriugstone Fort Worth YV Rush Minneapolis Jumea Wade YY'aeo Hteffene Dalbs IMwnrd Frldhauser Fort YVorth James llrooke Chicago When you buy Ammnnitinn remember that we have the most complete stork in YVichita Falls Len-don'a 825 Indian Adv Special Tonight Between 7 and 9 Those Outing In Order to Accomodate Everybody The 56-in French Serge will again be on sale today Handkerchiefs Some very smart ones those novelty effects with fancy colored borders and conventional designs Or if you prefer we have the plain white hemstitched or initialed Some Tips on Glove Gifts acceptable always appropriate as gifts are gloves especially the quality kind to be found here For motoring for general outdoor service or for dress weai1 the recipient would select the kind of Gloves you will choose when you buy here where you will get two gowns A Bad Egg fVrilimd Wrecker win talking at Piping Rock nhnnt a young man who having gone through his fortune committed suicide in Jnpen Jack!" he said si-ways was a bad egg but unbody seemed to notice it as long as tie wee rich Mr Wrecker smiled phlloxnptilenl-ly other lie said was all right till he waa From tiir Argonaut A Yard fi- A S' 7 i aV i 4i SUCH MINCE MEAT" pies taste like those mother used to make Ythen made with SUCH MINCE Only the choicest ingredients are used in to preparation Not but good" If you enjoy real mince pies use SUCH MINCE 75c Silk Neckwear Special 50c or 6 for $250 Compare These Ties With $100 Values Elsewhere Store AT YOUR GROCERS DEPARTMENTS Goodner Wholesale Grocer Co 'The House of Distributors Satisfactory Beginning this evening this store will open Until 8:30 BUSY 1403 Scott Avenuo Phono 5783-5674 Fall 100000 by '-I-.
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