Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

FALLS RECORD NEWS WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Page 6A May 20, 1955 Mayes Services Held in Vernon VERNON, May 19 (Special)Funeral services were held for Miss Jane Mayes, 22, Thursday afternoon from the chapel of Henderson Funeral Home. Miss Mayes died Tuesday in an Abilene hospital. Officiating was Rev. Noel V. Guce of the Calvary Baptist of Vernon.

Burial was in Churchy, View Memorial Park. Miss Mayes was a member of the First Baptist Church. She had been ill for almost two years. Survivors include the parents, Mr. and Mrs.

S. H. Mayes, of Vernon; a grandmother, Lola Miller, one brother, and one uncle and six aunts. Pallbearers were M. E.

Bernhill, Royal Duke, T. J. Rush, J. Bowers, Luke Arrington and Sunny Coble. Wildmon Funeral Scheduled Today Services for Mrs.

Ethel Oates Wildmon, 55, will be conducted at 3 p.m. Friday at HamptonVaughan-Merkle Funeral Home by Rev. Aaron Backus, pastor of West Side Baptist Church. Burial will be in Crestview Memorial Park. Pallbearers include Abe Ward, Ted Malacord, Oran Taylor, Chris Jensen, Carl Mead and Leon Fabin.

Mrs. Wildmon, of 2401 Ninth, died at her home late Wednesday morning following a long illness. She was the widow of the late John Wildmon, Wichita Falls city detective, who died here in 1954. Clean out your attic with a classified ad in the Times or Record News. Phone 2-5241.

56 Will Be Graduated At Quanah QUANAH, May 19 (Special)- Fifty-six members of the 1955 graduating class of Quanah High School, of which number only 15 are girls, will be awarded their diplomas at the commencement exercises to be held in the high NOCTURNE--Hair blown of Elvira, returned after Charles obviously is limp school auditorium on Monday ning, May 23, at 8:15 o'clock. Dr. P. D. O'Brien, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Big Spring, will deliver the commencement address.

Mrs. Helen Hook, member of askew by the zephyrous touch seven years in the hereafter, under the strain of having both present and past wives in the house, each intent on being first in his affections. Such is the situation in "Blithe Spirit," which plays Friday and Saturday at 8:15 at the Wichita Falls Civic Playhouse in Parker Square. Above are Mary Jon Woolford and Hal Lindahl. Betty Sedwick, Patsy O'Neil, Becky McCoy, Paul Koechel and Eleanor Haas complete the cast.

ELGIN WATCH 7 TRADE-IN SALE KAY'S of Registered Diamonds SPECIAL TRADE- -IN ALLOWANCE FOR ANY OLD WATCH TRADE-IN 2000 ALLOWANCE 12, ELGIN 12 10) 19 101 ELGIN 8 Elgin Denova onlays, expansion bracelet. Available in white or yellow gold. 17 jewels. Regular 55.00 Trade- In 20.00 Your Cost 35.00 Elgin Pomeroy Smart masculine styling. 19 jewels.

Expansion band, New Regular Trade-In 20.00 69.50 Your Cost 49.50 ELGIN Watches ALSO NEW TRADE- IN ALLOWANCES ON THESE NEW ELGINS! 12 1 SUMATRA. ELGIN "19" inlays on case WOOD. Matching expansion pansion band. $49.75 less tradeless trade-in. ELGIN "19" FRE- ELGIN MONT.

Available in Black and natural or white. let. $67.50 les trade-in. in. RIDGE- ELGIN VALEENE Smart matching pansion bracelet.

$45.00 less trade-in. Main Spring Guaranteed For Life Every Watch No Money Down Year Guarantee! Carries Kay's Famous 1- Weekly or Monthly Payments No Interest or JEWELERS Home of Registered Diamonds Carrying Charge (Two-Year-Old Child Dies at Olney the high school faculty, will play the processional and recessional. The invocation will be given by Dr. W. E.

Norman, pastor of the First Baptist Church and will be followed with the salutatory address by Kenneth McNabb. Solo Slated "Sure on This Shining Night" will be sung by Miss Florette Blank, high school music instructor, and the valedictory address by Miss Marie Ennis will precede the principal address by Doctor O'Brien. Certificates of graduates will be presented by Curtis A. Dickenson, high school principal, and presentation of diplomas will be made by Ross Magee, veteran Quanah business man and valedictorian of the 1905 class of the local high school. W.

E. Hanco*ck, superintendent of Quanah school, present awards, and the program will be closed with the benediction by Rev. Stewart McMurray, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Graduates Listed Seniors who will receive their diplomas Monday night are: Norma Lee Glover, Henry Lane Gossage, James Dale Grisham, James Anthony Hall, Frances 1 LaNelle Hamrick, Hobert Eugene Hogue, Sandra Joy Ingle, Dave Charleton Jenkins, Francis Earl Johnson, James Adrain Johnston, Lucille Jolley, Patricia Joy Landers, Charles Jerry Martin, Layton Stevenson Mayes, Billy Charles Mayfield, David Lynn Moore, Kenneth Dale McNabb, Ken David Morton, Sherry Lynn Adams, David Gene Baker, Charles Wayne Berry, Doyle Dwayne Berry, George Douglas Boynton, Jerry Don Brandon, James Franklin Bryant, William Dewey Carver, Lynn Carlos Clements, Thomas Wayne co*kendolpher, William Thomas Cummings, Margie Faye Collins, Shirley Ann Dake, Marion Donald Davis, Alvin Dillard Deel, Lillie Wanelle Duncan, Flora Marie Ennis, Taylor Cullar, Charles Denison, Mary Jacqueline Phillips, Edna Obera Pitts, Mrs. Ileta Lee Poole, Eddy Joe Pruitt, Robert Dale Quisenberry, Charles Douglas Richardson, Douglas Jack Roark, Billy Wayne Sellers, Charles Benjamin Straughan, Barbara Jeanette Sims, Edgar Leon Trolinder, Roger Dean Waldrip, Lloyd Douglas Walker, J.

H. Wilkerson, Don William Wisdom, Bobby Hilton Young, James Henry Moore, Mrs. Omagene Havins and James Walter Johnston. Cpl. John Norman Services Scheduled Funeral services for Cpl.

John T. Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Norman of Archer City, will be held Saturday at 9 a.m. in the Archer City Baptist Church. The Rev. John Alexander, pastor of the church, will officiate with the Rev. E.

G. Gregory, assisting. The Archer City youth was reported missing in action in Korea on July 16, 1950. Burial will be in the Crestview Cemetery in Wichita Falls under the direction of Owens Brumley Funeral Home. College Bill Shelved AUSTIN, May 19 UP -The Senate today refused to take up the bill raising Arlington and Tarleton State Colleges from junior to senior college status.

It rejected 15-13 the motion of Sen. George Parkhouse of Dallas to take up the House-passed bill out of its regular order. There was no debate. Senate Approves Bill AUSTIN, May 19 (M -The Senate today gave final approval to a bill; allowing county commissioners to set their own salaries and these of other county employes. The House-passed measure went back to the House with amendments.

-ADVERTIsem*nT- Science Shrinks Piles Without Surgery Finds New Healing Substance Science has found a healing substance that shrinks piles, relieves pain promptly, stops itching--without surgery. Doctors report actual shrinking of piles. Sufferers say, "Piles have ceased to be a The secret is already widely used to heal injured tissue. This substance is now available in suppository or ointment form under the name Preparation At your druggist. Money back U.

8. Pat. Off. Hollis Mother, Daughter To Get Diplomas Together HOLLIS, May 19 (Special) -This thing "never too old to learn" may be true, but Eunice Boyd (Mrs. Buck), who will re: ceive her diploma from Ron High School Monday evening, May 23, would like to tell the world that meeting classes every day with well prepared lessons while keep- KAY HANNA Quanah AL Post Names Delegate QUANAH, May 19.

(Special)Miss Kay Hanna, junior in Quanah High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanna, has been selected as the Quanah American Legion Auxiliary's representative to attend the Bluebonnet Girls State to be held in Austin June 6-15. Miss Dawn Cadle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

R. Cadle, was named as alternate. Other candidates were Miss Leona Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Powell, and Miss Sue Watson, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. E. L. Watson. Miss Hanna, popular student, is a member of the National Honor Society and the Student Council.

She will be assistant editor of the school annual, "The Chief," next year and has been elected as a cheer leader for the coming school year in addition to being a member of the declamation team for three years. Miss Hanna is a member of a vocal Melodettes" and is an affiliate of the nurses, which organization she will serve as vice president in 1955-56. She was secretary of the junior class this year. She holds memberships in the Junior 1904 Club and the Junior Music Lovers Club, which has named her as secretary for the ensuing year. Miss Hanna will join the staff of the Quanah Tribune Chief after attending Girls State.

To Consider Funds AUSTIN, May 19 (P- The Game and Fish Commission will consider what to do with federal funds for use in game management projects at a special meeting tomorrow. The money, derived from a tax on arms and ammunition, must be allocated by July 1 to keep the grant from lapsing. BAR-B-Q GRILL B. FIRST IN RUBBER riel Special Value Only Roomy square grill inches area 162 199 Legs Holds Stands handles 15 become 2-dozen inches carrying wieners high While they last Seventh Scott Phone 2-1122 B.F.Goodrich B.F Goodrich FIRST IN RUBBER- FIRST IN TUBELESS OLNEY, May 19 (Special) -Patricia Keeling, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Keeling, died Thursday afternoon in a local hospital after a one week illness of pneumonia. The child was born in Lubbock on April 28, 1952. Surviving besides the parents are a sister, Mary, and the grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. N. E. Keeling of Wellman and Mr. and Mrs.

M. I. Branch of Megargel. Funeral services are tentatively planned for Friday at Lunn Funeral Home here. Planting Date Upped AUSTIN, May 19 In -Agriculture Commissioner John White today extended the May 20 cotton plant- HERE FRIDAY -Barbara Stanwyck is starred with Robert Ryan in "Escape to Burma," Technicolor Adventure thriller opening at ing deadline in eight, Central counties because of heavy the State Theatre Friday.

ing house for four, is no Sunday School picnic. But it has been fun to keep pace with her daughter, Janelle, 18, with whom she entered classes at the beginning of the junior class year, she admits. For the two years it has been nip and tuck as to grades, with Mrs. Boyd even ranking above many of other class members in, the 13-member class. "It takes burning the candle at both ends to accomplish the double role," Mrs.

Boyd frankly admits. "But I wouldn't have missed it for anything" she smilingly adds. "And now I'm in it still knee deep to get Janelle ready for college by June" as she makes the sewing machine hum. Janelle has enrolled at Abilene Christian College, Abilene, Texas. She admits she couldn't have done it without help from husband, Janelle and 10-year-old, Nelda.

Also her mother, Mrs. J. R. Kellison and sister, Mrs. Perry Card who live nearby.

Stopping out of school March, 1933, to be married in her junior class year she said to her mother after the birth of Janelle that she planned to graduate when the child did. She never forgot the promise and surprised many when she entered classes at the annual summer term two years ago in July. The Kellisons were living at Vinson at time of her marriage. While husband and papa Boyd, ginner at the Ron gin, teased that it was like a return to bachelorhood, he admits he's plenty proud of Eunice's achievement along with daughter, Janelle. Not missing a thing of class activities Mrs.

Boyd had the leading role in both junior and senior class plays and looked as glamorous in her party dresses at the 1954 and 1955 junior-senior banquets as her classmates. Her dress, tan lace was offset by tan and gold sequin necklace, beige slippers and party bag. "Haven't felt as dressed-up since I married," she laughed. how can you be sure you have THE FINEST POSSIBLE Select an experienced optometrist tific equipment and finest quality who will make certain your eyes You can be sure of these important visiting your friendly Texas State 20 years TS has served over with the finest in complete eye sible prices. Visit TS soon for tion.

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Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


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