Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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nfc 'trzu'zir-'j-iirm 'WKMTATAIXI "i WEDNESDAY MAT If IHt UMh Tamt CtA 4111 Dbe Tmn i WOMEN AND CHILDREN JAILED nTU soumrw SETIMBOME Number of Appeals On Docket mi I) Mm A MnA Mid Ninth treat hna gone to-Maaitea Cdo tade wham aha trUI eoewd tha na- mt with bey mm Hob Mr Oamfi laaMa af Aim Ttmae la tha gaeat of her daaghte Mm Outer Locile dmrt MhlIawIm Balm hag koto eaBr Emimle'lad hr tha aeriaa il area af retail ran Mr tad Mm Mahttt AMday af Meiia art rial ting Mr and Mm All day at 1108 Ni Mia Nubect Allday waa formerly Mia Jeannette AScatt Mr Gap hpi aad ami daughter' am la Auatia and Kyle fee a two vieil with Mm Bogerx other gad other ralativM- Bl WMHaam of Me Wirhlta Maaw Ca left Tataday to dtUtrrr kuube graad piaaoe la Quaaak and Roaring Spring Link in 1900 Pool Being Made Aa important Hah ia the connecting up la the Mine pool of the old 1JAUAF font producer oa the Collett with the new dlieorerlea to the north oa the Waggoner and Burnett la provided la the No 4 Waggoner of the Planet Petroleum company bow completing a gnod looklng on Had at 1020 feet The well waa ant cleaned out on Turn-day and extimaiex of the prodartioa could not be made with any accuracy The new well la about 2000 Met went of the (inir Collett well and about the name diatanre aouth from He big 1 Mil-foot wella of the Planet and Texas rotnpany It lu betweeo the Carteret and Griawnld lKIO-foot well which were couidered wildcat er-rra weeki ago aCtofSSQMSnCan C0R8ET kKCOND FLOOI loll tn right: Mm IWi Heisl Uaa and her baby PUWp aeanntee nmntba aid Mina flapMn Btetrher Mm Kan Glutting and Baby Steve wmty-twa awntha aid Mm Mag admit and her daughter Anna thirty aw thn aid phot aye aphed In Caok cnunly Jail laid Sheriff Patera Retting of th docket In the eouaty ran it- at law far riril artioaa to begin ika wrak af May 22 aanaanrrd hr Judge Guy Rcar Turxdiy naira inf inrludad a number of appraM risea from the clip and Justices court The docket folloni It Uaorca Harry Hud-nail appaalrd precinct 2 1L George Harry Vludnnll appealed prarlnrt 2 II I McDonald an Ckarlaa Egbert appealed precinct 2 Wichita County Akatract (V an Git daM Taylor ct al Prad A Hmitb debt -ail Jj Goins (iaine rt at drht AXIS Knglcklng A Dot nun aa The Winer Oil A (ini Co debt Kagtektiv A IMnon aa I (treater tamiabea garn tubmen! 5331 (' Carroll aa' American Slate bank nurkburnett debt Prauklin Feather Co lne a A A Uunnaaan debt The (JrrTnok Barlow Co aa It Crow debt A Copeland Wichita Palin Electric Co damages 533K The Continental Supply On aa Daaenpnrt debt 5340 II Archer ax Duncan et al debt 5341 Kl Yarbrough ax Davix apiiealed precinct 4 Southern Keenriiy Ob aa Millliallnnd debt 3343 1) 1 Klmudemeirr aa Pirxt National hank Albrrt II IVeinbrenner aa I Staler et n) aecnnnt Jlnnlcr I Johnson Co aa M'Afee IVmhicr Com appealed pre-einelx 1 and 2 ratll Merkle A lnnn Co aa ft Miller drht 5351 Cigar Co ax John Haler ei a debt Clifford admr aa It Knley debt 5333 Sunshine Stale Oil A Itef'ii Int Co yx IV I Kerx el nl delil 5331 (iilberl Wbilrfield aa Ij Keix et nl debt 5333--Craacnx A Co ax Harry Walker drht CITY BUREAU OFFERS WORK Important Announcement It gives us much pleasure to announce that we have secured the exclusive agency in Wichita Falls for rimliction in matempt easts Krery one are me to want to get the wrumra and babias nut nut no one eeema to know how tn go about It Ala women and four habit am being held in the Jail- rangement for the com fori of the women arreral of 'whom bare their buhien in the rrlla with them 4t la the- opinion of the sheriff ami hit attorney 'that the governor ns no ju- Sheriff Chnrlra Prtera refuaed tn heed the pardon lexer by Gov Lea Small and free aix women alrikerx xent to Cook county Jail for gnntempl of court But hr hna made carry ar YESTERDAY LEE STREET MAY BE GRAVELED SOON 1 suiee i knew Hte UIHKfd -VMORE SHORT DRESSES Mxi CALLED i see bv nee PlRST NAME (j Ixe atrert one af the flmt residence atreeta of Wirhlta Falla but in lata yearn largely orerthadowrd by the growth of the city tn the went and math may anon be gm reled It waa in-dirated at the meeting of Ike tity coun ril Monday night Tha matter la not la lhapf at pres- eat tn be acted on it waa Indicated i hr Owmixxioner Clifford when a pe-J tition fir the grareliag aigned by a number of property owner waa re it red tn him A more general rep-i reeentnLinn of property ownrm alnnr Iee ntrect muxt enter the agreement Ix-fnre it will he in ibape for definite notion he declared mm Over Arm My lick 6eWjBJBBei had hmnhtag of Ihda wo-Mr hUuMH am my wrim -They BS gpmdliW they mmo oil over my mm body ood Umbo Tho hchtag aad humiag mmo ao aeo I omdd hardht am i tii an TODAY Sure iknea HER uMEal SHE WORE LONG rV DRESSES Woman Blamed i By Her Family Itextlcxx irritable aervou exeit-nbla and exacting ia the charge ngaiaxt her by those nearext and deg rex Ilnw little they realise the t'ruggle tha omworked wife and iiiutuer hi making to keep about and perforin the hundred and on duties I lint devolve npon her I Brery hour her headache baekachm and pain -Irag her down until run stand it in lunger Iydia JO I'inklutm'i ViTtetable CompourMl hna restored more women in this condition to iicallli and ImppiacH than any other mrilicinf The grateful letteru we are continually publishing la this from women who hare found health hy its aa prove it Adr that we can now offer our clientile corset service second to none in the state of Texas That Wonderful Feeling of Confidence that Comes When Ton Know Your Corset is Ton can't feel your heat ssiesa yon know that you look your best Without the support of th proper corset your mast beautiful gowa or suit will appear dowdy aad commonplace The Biaaer Cornet give you the luprente confidence of knowiug tint your figure ia perfectly corseted Be sure In select the Dinner that exactly Mils your figure Often the pmutinn of the boning the ahape of a gore nr aa elastic Insert will make all th difference between comfortable cornet and aae which is a trial to wear Biaaer Cerset are heactifslly made he highest qaality materials Come in and let a hew yea tlw aew amM we are now displaying ia our Corset Department AIECOND FUIOR We Are Now Ready IFilA the Newest Things for the Tiny Tot (Blgaad) MrThereag Mb Klliou What Virginia Five Placed Other Jobs Open Varanrirs for several men who want work were announced Inni night by rity offirlalx The pnxilinnn ran I obtained Iqr applying In IhA city employment bureau which ha been I tahtlxhed at thn ixdtee xlntinn The employment bureau came tnloj lielHg TneMlay nt noon nnd fiva turn who were the only iipplicnnla seeking work yratenlay were immediately plneed and hare gone to work The agency linn hern Inntllnted at the auggelinn of tlie new police court ndniini-lrnlinn who urgnl the eetab-lixhment of such an organisation in order to frgrcgnle the pnifranlonal aa-grantx from the men who really de- nired employment City officers stated Inst night that Otoe Cntfcara I Talcno the com of your akla We Sell for Less But for Cash Only eererel raeaneire on farinx near I city and other kind of labor ran he-obtained by applying at the BURK MAN IS SHOT IN CHEST CAMPAIGN FOn NEGRO SCHOOL Dickson Orphanage SC0TUND MAY GET EXTENSION OF LINE BARGAIN ANNEX Featuring attractive styles in Voile and' Organdie Dresses about 250 from which to choose at the special price choice 98 Asks $5000 Scotland addition may soon it cherished ambition to have tension of the street ear line ad am hilion which hnx been near rcalixn-tion aeverul limes in the pnt A liner one of the promoter of the addition indicated whde at the city r'e? 4 1 SiiS'fl 3' lispil to Ui Rrnirrl Ihti HrRKBURNETT Texas May 15 Quinn aged 21 unmarried ia in the Burkburnrtt hospital suffering from serious gun shot wnunda in the ehoulrirr-and chest following a xlnmting which oerurreil Tuesday nigli: at 0 o'clock on the Viirs lenxe of the Kansan and Gulf company five miles 1 west of Burkburnelt John Holcomb snperintendeot of the lease made hnml Tuesday nighl following hix arrest An examining (rial will be held Wednesday morning RADIO CONCERT Through an error a line reading orders promptly attended to" wax omitted from the udvertixenirnt of the Auto Supply IVi appearing in last Sunday's Record News The IV Anto Supply eomixiny carry a complete line of Radio equip-1 ment and nre filling mnil order from every part of thin section The com-1 pnny also hold llqdin concert every night nt to which the -piiblie ix I cordially invited -niineil meeting Monday night erly owner along the route toward the river from the point the line will branch from the present system Sixth and Indixnx going down Sixth have oltout aari-ed to the help which will he required by the traction company he indicated Scotlmil addition liu for some time stood ready to eor-irilnilr Its something over X17IKN) due ax refund from money liestml when wnlrr and gas main were extended the addition Wirhitn Falls today and tomorrow I the seme of campaign tn rale $31 lUO for the Dii-kson enlorol or phanage at Gilmer Tnxa aucording to plan made at a meeting of th financial committee of tlm orphanage held Tuexdny luorniug i the office of li Clint Wood one of the directors This orphanage is an Institution that has had the interest or a large number of Wichilu Fulls liuxi-nett men for a number of ycm I lie financial ivminitk1 being conumted of local men inelmling A Komp Culbertson I Siaiey J- i Hunt and Wood Dick-lh founder ami snperinlciideiii "of i he orphanage i in Wicltlia Fads I HM1 rill pjimnin thruiiMh th Mill and will remain through the DIXIE RESULTS Score: Mobile Memphis Sigman and Schulte Sbestak Score Xashrille Ilhaiuinootcii fmnkeiiiii Fowlkes and 3 3 1 5 lit 3 and Morris campaign which will be conducted by ilie member of the executive committee More than of the desired $o00lt wax secured on Tuexduy according to the report Mr Kemp makes an annual donation of fothl to the institution lfete Allen and I Staley also inode donation of itVm on this oeraiun 1 (' Hunt gare $250 and Culbertson and It Waggoner made contributions of $11X1 a piece aceuniiug lo the re-purr made Tueailay night Cunningham Drake and Neiderkorn i Score: New Orica 7 HI 2 Little Ruck All iMiljus McQuillan and Dowic liirkerman and llrown At Allanta-Hirmingiiani pn-tponed ruin Balcony Now Showing SUMMER DRESSES Fashioned from Sheer Organdie and Dotted Swiss in the most attractive styles and colors also white Exceptionally to $1903 HEW TRIMMED HATS Just received big shipment of Trimmed Hats in assortment of becoming shapes which we include in our of the offer in Hats at $5 Store Wichita Falls Foremost Cash Department Store Three thousand' of ibe reipiired simiuiit will apply on the land note ami I he remaining two thousand will gi- inio tbc maintenance fund This 1 effort i made nr tills lime aeeurd-Breaking the iiliins of tho i eii nnd i tin' reimri In secure iloim-leeaue (In civil dnrket nf the Mhh rn S'J'AHHI nr permanent court would Imre been i-li' I pnvcmcuts from I hi- general hoard of I lie eriiiniuil ne of i h'' eliIl1jn -K York and from 1 I'MI i a vi sw RWANDA FARK NEW BRACNFELR TEXAS Kiluated in the hhWfhrf hitnri-l cal Ioudn Kslaic The most beautiful tdyiipie and -in-1 terrsting property in 'the tioiitii 4000 acres of worst meadow mountains valleys -lamlsea pc heau-J tiful spring and clear limpid streams at your disposal A wonderful mi miner rr-ort fori discriminating people (iHn fr-jin April until Ortulier i Krreencil kliTpiug porciies IVnn- derful swimming pool Bathing hoal-ing camping dane- ing tennis Imsi-hull horseback rid-j ins and motoring -j Jtefrexhnieula of all kinds ftuien-: lid a I a Carte Itcslaurnuf Criisiuc exeullrnt KcrruT ot all hour Special attention lo dinner parties Courteous attention lo nil giu-d i Mngnifieenc natural w-cncry Moxij I tie Dick-1 Ihii II iful si ream in the Kiuili son (irplinn'iin rai-iiig SJSfHKi Of Mis of gloriuus xmiie im'iinlain 1 Ibis SI 7 11 liu- Im-cii driveways in IJallas lenring reinninder line hour ride from Sun Antonin I if BIIinXi -mic nnd nne-linlf hour from Ails- The iiisiiiiiiinu ln a farm named 1 fin 1 fur 1 I Slili-y ami -m nn-hard i The finest spur in Tra to spend amre iiniiieil fur I' I'- Iingfurd bulb! your vsi-stion Ibrnklet ilmn re-: iiiet Addre-s St 'III If I othiT nurlliiTn Htiunrh Bas (Hiuiiiifin uxt iimn Mule Joe Norris iiegun before Special Smoot llii mnrning Xorrix ia charge I wiih fi-gey in I wo esses The xl'lr sllcgcx linn lim negro forged the nnme of aimrlier lie-g-o lo checks limiiinting nnd $1200 msiii Juuge liiorg'l SIli iI- MAIN AlSfH SFrnMi FltHik Special Announcement It is our extreme pleasure to announce that Baby Shop" is now under the direct management of Mrs Steger a woman capable in every respect of looking after the requirements of mothers who patronize this unique little shop Mrs Steger is a woman of pleasing personality and as she has leen with us practically since the opening of this store ve feel that she needs no introduction to our trade You mothers must feel free to consult Mrs Steger about your wants at any time and you will find her glad to show yvu her merchandise whether you buy or not lhone 4343 YATES ARRESTS BOY A Hluiier a lii-yinr-uld lad who says his aohic is in nkhihuina City wo piaird under im'il Tiiev-day by Javcuiie llffii-er It Yales nnd placed in lie euunly Jail mi a charge of thcfl Officer Yales staled yesterday I lull the youth had bon iirrrlH in the Maxwell llurl whit lnre where lie Imd iir of lennix shoes Ilie peiipirli nf si sluri i nearly Ml tin Imini- and 'iiie shoe Ilie nflii-er iii-i-lqre lj I iu-re lire yever-il liiimlivl mii-e le -re fun ml -lielcilig in ih- uyer- eir-'ig ndinillalii" ivliu ran led le-a'l- Hi ailinuie'l ai-r--irfl i lo M1 'i- iinimdnleil uilli ilie pfe-i-lit Ini'lil-i Liijii be ii-ul lie a anil liiiineiii lilii-riil uil roil The llirks-m nrplianage I a some- wbai unique iu-liliilioii nnd one that iiiiiiniend il'i'lf parlienlarly In xoiitlu era and western peopli' I Diek-miii ilie founder originated a plan nf training orplian ui-gro children to become i J-1 1 1 1 1 -1 d- ills nnd farm er or giving I hem ii llmroilglily praelical iililealioii In Til I belli fur making ilieir nun living There lire W- XI.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 5683

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.